on Impromptu Speeches
Oral Training
II Spring 2004
Tina 92
Jack 88: funny
Alice 86: humorous ending
Daisy 84
Albert 87: he's got a point!
Naomi 89
Nicole 88
Chantelle 91: clear and organized
Erica 88: interesting, too many 'stuff', and 'you know'
Vic 84: didn't get his point...
Sandra 85
Brooke 90: very calm and smooth speech
Agnes 86
Dawson 88
Ivy 85
2. 90 > Tina: good metaphors and language use
82 > Jack: good gestures
84 > Daisy: clear and fluent
88 > Albert: good points
95 > Naomi: organized, clear, fluent, good argumentations
89 > Alexia: good posture, nice beginning and nice topic
85 > Nicole: good points, powerful
92 > Chantelle: fluent, clear, good timing
86 > Erica: excellent gestures, good points
80 > Vic: topic missing, a little bit hard to grasp his ideas, no ending
86 > Sandra: well-prepared, clear
83 > Brooke: interesting topic, convincing, slow and clear, a little too
87 > Agnes: clear, energetic voice, nice volumn
86 > Dawson: good points, clear voice
85 > Ivy: clear and conveying
83 > Sharon: clear voice
78 > Bryant: quite fluent at first, but too nervous toward the end
3. Agnes Chen: Not open enough. Lack of Eye contact.Very funny content
and clear points. 87
Albert Chia: Very
funny start. Good ideas. Lack of eye contact. Has a very professor-like feeling.
Alexia Chen: Stuttered.
Not really expressing her points. Too nervous. Eye contact. 70
Alice Kao: "Okay"
in the beginning gives people the feeling that she doesn't want to do this
speech at all. Very sentimental. Lack of eye contact. Not conviencing enough.
Brooke Liao: Huge
topic. Wavering. Lack of eye contact. Good content, but lack expressions.
Bryant Chang: Lack
of eye contact. Too many pauses. Hands showing his nervousness (is he holding
something?). Broekn down sentences. 68
Chantelle Li: Steady.
Lack eye contact. Too quiet. Wonderful timing. 90
Daisy Li: Very
cute. Mumbles. Too quiet. Sentimental but sidetracked. Irrelevant sentences.
Lack of eye contact. 70 Dawson
Chiang: Lack of eye contact. Circling on one point. A little ridicolous. 80
Erica Mou: No steps or pauses. Too wavy. Confusing ideas, but funny statements.
Ivy Liu: Lack of Eye contact. Too slow, but very clear. Sounds really like
a nutritionist. 82
Jack Chiang: Very good expression with his voices and good pauses. Lack of
contact. Casual. Too slow in expressing his thoughts. Repetition of ideas
and words. 88
Nicole Pan: Great attention getter. Clearn points. Too stiff. Spooding up.
Sandra Liu: Never say you never done it before. You don't have to be honest
on stage. 75
Sharon Chang: Lack of eye contact. Unorganized context. Point unclear. 75
Tina Yu: Lacking power and expressions. Too fast. Lack of eye contact. 90
Vic Lin: Repeating words. What is his topic? What does his speech have to
with his topic? Very confusing. 6.9
Agnes Chen : 97
Albert Chia: 97 cool content; really funny; a suitable topic for Albert~XD
Alexia Chen: 99 stayed on the subject; wonderful content; beautiful English
Alice Kao: 96 touching; good English
Brooke Liao: 98 want to add one more point for the super-hard subject she
Bryant Chang: 96 too nervous, but when he knows what to say, he spoke rather
Chantelle Li: 98 good content and English!!
Daisy Li: 96 touching subject; I like her point about friends
Dawson Chiang : 97
Ivy Liu: 97 she sounded so like a nutritionist and a saleswoman
Jack Chiang: 95 funny content
Naomi Lai: 99 a really suitable subject for Naomi~I like her point
Nicole Pan: 96 Starting a speech with a story is a good idea
Sandra Liu: 97 really interesting content
Sharon Chang: 98 really great timing~XD I like how she interpreted death in
many different ways
Tina Yu: 99 no...actually 100! The first and the best! I can never forget
the "traffic light" she saw!!
Vic Lin: 93 well...I'd add 2 points if it weren't for the curse at the end...
5. Tina: 95; Jack: 88; Alice: 88; Daisy: 86; Albert: 90; Naomi: 95;
Alexia: 87; Nicole: 92; Chantelle: 94; Erica: 91; Vic: 85; Sandra: 87; Dawson:
87; Agnes: 90; Bryant: 83; Sharon: 87.
6. Tina: good metaphors and language use; Jack: good gestures; Daisy:
clear and fluent; Albert: good points; Naomi: organized, clear, fluent, good
argumentations; Alexia: good posture, nice beginning and nice topic; Nicole:
good points, powerful; Chantelle: fluent, clear, good timing; Erica: excellent
gestures, good points; Vic: topic missing, a little bit hard to grasp his
ideas, no ending; Sandra: well-prepared, clear; Brooke: interesting topic,
convincing, slow and clear, a little too rigid; Agnes: clear, energetic voice,
nice volume; Dawson: good points, clear voice; Ivy: clear and conveying; Sharon:
clear voice; Bryant: quite fluent at first, but too nervous toward the end.
7. I don't know how to grade because I only listen to Bryant's speech
and don't have comparsion. I'll give you my evaluation for him. I think his
too nervous. His topic is actually very easy to talk about. He can try to
put some lively experience of him, that will not only help him fill up his
speech but also make it more interesting. He can try to fill in repeated words
or useless words when he doesn't know what to say, that'll be better than
standing there not talking. As for myself, I couldn't decide on my attitude
toward this topic, therefore, I wasted most of time trying to decide and didn't
come up with enough material to talk about. The stuffy nose and nervousness
made me stammer. If I had another chance, I am sure I can do better. That's
my evaluation.
8. Agnes Chen 89 great¥x·, clear voice; Albert Chia 90; Alexia Chen
88; Alice Kao 86; Brooke Liao 85; Bryant Chang 82; Chantelle Li 89; Daisy
Li 82; Dawson Chiang 86; Erica Mou 90 She has charming body language!; Ivy
Liu 88 sounds very professional!; Jack Chiang 87; Naomi Lai 93 eye contact;
Nicole Pan 92 interesting beginning; Sandra Liu 85; Sharon Chang 84; Tina
Yu 95; Vic Lin 83.
9. The score I give to Sharon is 85. She spoke clearly, and she picked
easy words to convey her messages. I think she got some key words and explained
well. Though she repeated some sentences, she didn't have a long break in
the speech. She spoke fluently.
After making the impromptu speech, I have to improve many aspects. First,
I have to organize my thoughts. I should give opening remarks, some major
points and conclusion. Second, I should peform the speech with enthusiasm
and confidence. Take a deep breath and don't be nervous. Last, I should not
say "um" and I should notice eye contact. On the whole, the impromptu
speech is beneficial to my learning.
10. Tina: 94% nicely done. very "Tina"
Jack: 86% good posture, need more eye contact and fluency.
Alice 88% nice pronounciation and delivery.
Daisy: 87% need a little more volume. articulation can be improved. good.
Albert: 89% very flent. need more eye contact.
Naomi: 91% good eye contact, nice pace and she has her characteristic rhythm.
Alexia: 84% content wasn't very satisfactory she also shifted her standing
position too often.
Brooke: 88% I thought she started off really well. She spoke clearly and forcefully,
but then she got too nervous.
Nicole: 92% good intonation, nice speech as a whole
Erica: 89% she was humorous and interesting, caught the audience's attention.
could use more content.
Vic: 82% His introduction was very confusing. I wasn't quite sure what his
topic was. He has good English, but needs work on some pronounciation ofvowels.
Sandy: 87% good posture. nervous.
Ivy: 92% very good content. well organized.
Dawson: 89% good content. very few mistakes in pronouncation. clear articulation
Agnes: 88% too many "Um's", she at least says two per sentence.
As a rule of thumb, we should avoid doing that. otherwise a very good job.
Sharon: 86% good eye contact. nice speed. a little repetitive because of nervousness.
Bryant: 80% very nervous. unorganized and a little choppy, no conclusion,
but i could tell he would have done much better if he relaxed a little!
11. Tina: 94, well structured and concrete in specific points, confidently
and decently delivered, good timing
Jack: 83, casual, friendly approach, ordinary content, but good in general
Alice: 85, natural, sounds comfortable, good eye contact
Daisy: 80, not loud enough, content too trivial, time control not good enough
(saying whatever came into mind)
Chantelle: 93, good voice, confident and natural, clear points, well organized
Naomi: 90, lively, confident, logical reasoning, but the topicwas not specified
Sharon: 80, tend to repeat her own words, drifted away from the main point,
Vic: 74, an unusually distorted interpretation of the topic (my topic), irrelevent
information, curse on and off stage
Sandra: 83, friendly, ordinary content, yet good in general
Bryant: 78, ragged speech, too many pauses, repetition, yet decent appearance
Erica: 85, confident, casual, friendly appearance, clear points
Albert: 85, strange topic, yet well structured, fluent
Dawson: 83, points too trivial, repetition, yet confident and friendly
Brooke: 86, clear reasoning, confident and fluent
Agnes: 84, casual, natural, smiley
Nicole: 87, confident, fluent, well structured
Alexia: 86, casual, confident, energetic, fun content
12. Tina: 90; Jack: 82; Daisy: 84; Albert: 88; Naomi: 95; Alexia: 89;
Nicole: 85; Chantelle: 92; Erica: 86; Vic: 80; Sandra: 85; Brooke: 83; Agnes:
87; Dawson: 86; Ivy: 85; Sharon: 81; Bryant: 78.
13. (1) Tina: 97; (2) Jack: 85; (3) Alice: 87; (4) Daisy: 88; (5) Albert:
92; (6) Naomi: 91; (7) Alexia: 89; (8) me; (9) Chantelle: 93; (10) Erica:
95; (11) Vic: 83; (12) Sandra: 89; (13) Brooke: 94; (14) Agnes: 87; (15) Dawson:
94; (16) Ivy: 93; (17) Sharon: 87; (18) Bryant: 84.
14. Tina 90; Jack 84 ;Alice 88; Daisy 84; Albert 86; Naomi 87; Alexia
83; Nicole 87; Chantelle 86; Vic 79; Sandra 85; Brooke 86; Agnes 88; Dawson
87; Ivy 87; Sharon 82 and Bryant 71.
15. Tina (92 She was fluent and the content was amazingly good. But
she could put some more energy into it. She did not have too much of the eye-contact
but she sounded really confident. Also her control of time was accurate as
Jack (82) His made
some gestures with his hands that caused some distraction. He used some words
like ¡§Well,¡¨ ¡§Okay,¡¨ and it sounded informal somehow. The eye contact was
okay and he should not hurry when the time was up. But over all still good.
Alice (84) She burst out laughing several times. The way she rubbed her hands
made me think she was really nervous. But she had really good eye contact.
Daisy (84) Also rubbing her hands. The volume was the problem. I think it
was a bit unclear.
Albert (88) He got people¡¦s attention immediately. He was fluent and the gestures
were just appropriate and nature. Just the intonation and the facial expression
could have had more emotions in them. he would stresses some parts of a sentence
like ¡§I think.¡¨ The content of his speech was amusing.
Naomi (90) She gave no topics in the beginning. But she created the room for
the interaction between the audience and her. She was confident and fluent.
The eye contact was enough but she said ¡§you know¡¨ too often.
Alexia (87) Her voice was great; attractive and energetic. But her legs just
kept moving: right to the front, left to the back and so on and so forth.
She did not have too much eye contact but the content was pretty good, a bit
funny. She had interesting point about her topic. But she ended roughly by
saying ¡§Okay that¡¦s about it.¡¨
Nicole (90) She also gave no topic. But she was fluent throughout the whole
speech and had good eye contact. Her posture was good, too. Her voice was
attractive, very story-teller-like. But when she referred to our department,
she forgot to add a ¡§s¡¨ in the back of ¡§literature:¡¨
Chantelle (92) Good eye contact, good voice with enough power and tenderness.
Also it was clear. The speech was good in content; her words of ¡§Don¡¦t let
pressure get you,¡¨ etc. sounded really powerful. But she should take her hands
out off her pockets.
Erica (84) Difficult topic. She did well actually but she needed to relax
a bit and tried not to swing her body back and forth, which made it looked
a bit informal and disturbing.
Vic (80) He had quite a lot gestures with his hands. His body was swinging
during the speech, too. But he had good voice actually. It was also energetic.
Although he didn¡¦t express himself quite clearly, it was overall good.
Sandra (86) My mind was a bit absent here. But I can recall that she was calm.
Brooke (82) Also a difficult topic. But she had good voice that sounded to
me somewhat professional in a way. She ended her speech a but early.
Agnes (88) Energetic and confident. But I think in part of her speech she
wasn¡¦t talking about her topic cohabitation but about marriage, which can
be two different things. However, the content was good.
Ivy (90) She was calm and the speech was well-organized with really good and
educational content.
TIna 95; Jack 88; Alice 87; Daisy 89; Albert 88; Naomi 90; Alexia 89; Nicole
92; Chantelle 94; Erica 91; Vic 87; Sandra 88; Brooke 89; Dawson 88; Ivy 90
17. 1. Tina 90 Perfect time control but speaks too fast
2. Jack (It's me)
3. Alice 81 Lack of main idea, a bit unorganized
4. Daisy 78 Unorganized, lack of ending
5. Albert 88 Relevant; end well; lack of energy
6. Naomy 95 Very clear, enegetic
7. Alexia 83 A bit irrelevant sometimes
8. Nicole 92 Very organized, enegetic, occasionally stuck
9. Chantelle 96 Perfect timing; excellent ending
10. Erica 89 Attractive, fluent, but lacks ending
11. Vic 76 Too nervous, lack of main idea, forbidden words on stage
12. Sandra 80 Weak, lack of opinion, overdone examples
13. Brook 85 Organized, but lukewarm, lack of proper ending
14. Agnes 87 fluent, organized, but ends carelessly
15. Dawson 94 humor-blended; good ending
16. Ivy 84 Authoritive, but lacks concrete examples, lacks proper ending
17. Sharon 81 fluent but lack strong points and rush toward the end
18. Bryan 70 too nervous; broken sentences; stuck thoughts; pronunciation
18. 1. Tina: clear, fluent, no strange sounds like ¡§uh¡¨ or ¡§hum¡¨ while
thinking what to say, nice ending. (91)
2. Jack: nice gesture, amusing. You seem to have the charm that attracts the
audience and make them laugh with you. (Or maybe it¡¦s because the topic is
very funny?!) (80)
3. Alice: clearly ordered points. (85)
4. Daisy: it would be great if you can be a bit louder! (80)
5. Albert: interesting, nice example from your own experiences. (85)
6. Naomi: confident gesture, nice and catching start. (90)
7. Alexia: nice start, very cute ending~~ (84)
8. Nicole: confident, fluent, sincere eye contact (90)
9. Chantelle: clearly ordered, nice examples from your own experiences. Your
voice sounds very nice and comfortable. (90)
10. Erica: You have interesting gestures that make your speech more vivid!
Your dramatic tone attracts the audience¡¦s attention (87)
11. Vic: I think it would be better not to repeat the mistakenly pronouncing
word or swear on the stage. Except these, your speech is overall pretty well!
12. Brooke: You speak in a speed not to fast and comfortable. But it would
be better if you could try to give your speech an ending to make it more completed.
13. Agnes: Nice and interesting points! (89)
14. Dawson: Your voice is very clear. But I think you need to find a more
clear focus on the content of your speech~~ (84)
15. Ivy: You sound very professional by giving us lots of information! (86)
16. Sharon: You have a
suitable volume for speech, but you need to have more content for your speech.
I think it would be better not to say "well," "you know,"
or "yeah" during the speech because they would make your speech
sound too informal. What's more, you need to have a real ending for your speech.(81)
17. Bryant: You
have many good points to support your topic, but you need to organise them.
I think it would better if you can avoid unnecessary gestures and try to "keep
talking" in order not to cause the embarrasing silence during the speech.
I also think you need a conclusion for your speech. (78)