listening exercise
Living with Alcoholism
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"Exclusive Series":
Living with alcoholism
(Part I)
Choi chances are... to live with alcoholism as many as alcoholic parent terrifying wrote to me to say to affect can't stop drinking Part I series impact disease a living nightmare severely depressed he would abuse my Mom like he abuses alcohol till there's hardly anything left the worst part ashamed visible powerless to stop s.o. from (verb)ing to turn their pain inward emotional psychological damage maybe even that they can go talk to to focus on suburb Seattle, Washington for as long as he can remember It's kind of been on and off angry at first hurt embarrassed anger to express to deal with s.o. miles away near |
North Carolina to be scarred by for years nearly destroyed eighth grade depression to get worse wouldn't know what he was up to scary big sense of fear impact they absolutely do not "get" it Claudia Black social psychologist to inflict damage unpredictable inconsistent to support and not be negatively affected to rationalize conception idea what it was doing to Charlotte to shield s.o. from as he got older to take s.o. to soccer games baseball in time to start to show up "loaded" ( = drunk) sober to not be really ever there definitely to miss out on everything I wanted it was kind of all twisted to hurt number one to do s.t. to s.o. why can I not change it it's not until to realize |
was just totally powerless over the stuff, over alcohol with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous to be ashamed of to be identified on my days off I mean, it's all I was doing, was getting drunk emotionally "gone" for my family I mean, I missed a lot of time with Molly with my drinking to be left on their own to deal with feelings of teens tend to blame themselves for... it was my fault you want to put a blame on it he's got to be doing this for a reason so why not let it be me? it is not about you, it's about... they no more want...than you want it for them the addiction has them by the throat I just would like to wrap my arms around teenager who ever, ever could possibly feel shame, embarrassment, blame bad decisions responsible make good decisions for yourself you need to focus on that it's understood that actions to be influenced by to grab hold of to find out to take a quiz to click on alcoholic awareness coming up next... stick around |
Listening comprehension questions:
1. How many young people in the U.S. have at least one alcoholic parent?
2. What did Amanda think was the worst part of having an alcoholic parent?
3. What does Travis not have that makes his mother's alcoholism even harder
for him to deal with?
4. What effect did Molly's father's alcoholism have on her?
5. How much do many alcoholic parents understand about how their alcoholism
affects their children?
6. How did Travis's mother sometimes rationalize her alcoholism, and what
did she not realize?
7. How did Travis describe his mother when she wasn't drunk?
8. Why do teens sometimes blame themselves for their parents' drinking?
9. Why don't alcoholic parents simply stop drinking when they realize how
their drinking is harming their children?
10. What, does Janet Choi say, will be the topic of Part II of the series?
11. Describe how Alcoholics Anonymous tries to help people who have problems
with alcohol.
12. Do you have any experience with alcoholism that you are willing to share?
Describe it briefly, and how the alcoholic's family dealt with the problem.