Listening Assignment, week of October 8-12, 2001


Work on wheels with Thomas Holtackers

First read the background material on Thomas Holtackers at:

Then click on the video link, watch the short video, and answer the following listening comprehension questions.

1.    Why does Thomas Holtackers have to plan ahead and give himself lots of time when he goes somewhere?

2.    About how long did it take him to get used to the idea of using a wheelchair?

3.    What kind of work does Holtackers do?

4.    What advantage does his disability give him in his work?

5.    What does he say is a 'private' thing he does?

6.    Why do people seem to be puzzled if they see the action referred to in 5.?

7.    What is a popular idea of what a wheelchair represents, and what is Holtackers' view?

8.    Everybody uses various tools to perform everyday life tasks and work, but what is a bit different about a wheelchair?

9.    What can and should we try to do with 'negative' things in our life?

10.   Describe your own reactions when you see someone in a wheelchair.
