Notes on Fromkin, An Introduction to Language, Chapter Six

Vocabulary: (if you know of a more appropriate Chinese translation for any of these terms, please let me know!)

phonetics 語音學
phonology 音韻學、聲韻學
Daniel Jones
Peter Ladefoged
segment (a vowel or consonant) 音段
consonant 子音、輔音
vowel 母音、元音
to segment 分段
discrete 離散的
speech signal 語言信號
nasal twang 鼻音很重
click 嘖ㄗㄜˊ音
acoustic phonetics 聲學語音學
auditory phonetics 聽覺語音學
articulatory phonetics 發音語音學
orthography 拼字法、正字法
phonetic alphabet 音標
George Bernard Shaw

International Phonetic Association
  page in Chinese (with links to Peter Ladefoged's sound files of IPA symbols)
IPA table of pulmonic consonants
IPA table of non-pulmonic consonants
IPA table of vowels
IPA table of diacritics
IPA table of other symbols
IPA table of suprasegmentals
IPA table of tones and word accents
SAMPA: IPA in ASCII 純文字 (for e-mail, etc.)
IPA in Unicode

Names of some IPA symbols:
schwa (shwa) [ə] 央音、非重央元音
wedge, turned v [ʌ]
epsilon [ɛ]
ash, digraph [æ]
open o [ɔ]
eng, angma [ŋ]
eth, barred d [ð]
esh, long s [ʃ]
yogh, long z [ʒ]
length mark [ː] or [:]

larynx 喉頭
glottis 聲門
pharynx 咽頭
pharyngeal wall 咽壁
vocal tract 聲道
oral cavity 口腔
nasal cavity 鼻腔
pulmonic airstream mechanism 肺氣流機制
egressive 呼氣音
egressive airstream mechanism 呼氣氣流機制、外擠氣流機制
ingressive 吸氣音
click 嘖ㄗㄜˊ音
implosive 縮氣音、內爆音

place of articulation 發音部位
bilabial 雙唇音
labiodental 唇齒音
dental 齒音
interdental 齒間音
alveolar ridge 齒齦(隆骨)
lateral 邊音
retroflex 捲舌音
trill 顫音
velar 舌後音(軟顎音)
uvular 小舌音
glottal 喉音、聲門音
glottal stop 喉塞音

manner of articulation 發音方式、
voicing 聲帶震動
voiced 帶音、有聲、濁音
unvoiced, voiceless 不帶音、無聲、清音
aspirated 送氣、次清音
unaspirated 不送氣
VOT (voice onset time) 聲帶震動起始、 帶聲的起始時間、
nasal sound 鼻音
oral sound 口腔音
phonetic feature 語音特徵
stop 塞音
plosive 爆音
obstruent 阻音
continuant 延續音、連續音
Formosan 台灣南島語系的語言
Quechua 蓋楚瓦語
Swahili 斯華西里語
fricative 擦音
affricate 塞擦音
approximant 接近音
liquid 流音 /l/, /r/
tap 閃音、一顫、一次接觸音
flap (NOT the same as a tap except in "Americanist" usage; I don't know of an unambiguous Chinese translation; ignore this for now!)
trill 顫音
glide 滑音
labio-velar 軟顎唇音
rounded (lips) 圓唇
spread (lips) 展唇
monophthong 單母音、單元音
diphthong 雙母音、複元音
triphthong 三母音、三元音
nasalized vowel 鼻化元音
tense vowel 緊元音
lax vowel 鬆元音
dialect 方言
subdialect 次方言

Phonological terms:
labial 唇音
coronal 前舌音
anterior 舌前音

sibilant 嘶音、嘶擦音
syllabic consonant 成音節輔音
prosodic 節律的、超音質成分
suprasegmental 超音段的
geminate 重疊輔音 (the book uses "geminate" to refer to lengthened vowels as well as consonants; usually the term is reserved for consonants only)
pitch 音高
frequency 頻率
stress 重音
intonation 音調
tone 聲調
downdrift 聲調緩降
pitch contour 調形變化
diacritic 附加符號、變音符
phonotactics 音位排列理論、音位排列規則

Lots of phonetics resources here and here


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