Notes on Fromkin, An Introduction to Language, Chapter Four

Vocabulary: (if you know of a more appropriate Chinese translation for any of these terms, please let me know!)

hierarchical structure 階層結構、層次結構
ambiguity 歧義
structural ambiguity 結構歧義
grammatical relations 語法關係
tree diagram 樹狀結構、樹
constituents 成分
node 節點
syntactic category 句法類別、句法類目、句法範疇
grammatical category = part of speech = 詞類
noun phrase 名詞組 (名詞片語)
verb phrase 動詞組、動詞短語(動詞片語)
adjective phrase 形容詞組、形容詞短語(形容詞片語)
determiner 限定詞
preposition 介詞
auxiliary verb 助動詞
modal verb 情態助動詞
head 中心語
complement 補語
complementizer 補語標記
transitive 及物
intransitive 不及物
inflection phrase 屈折詞組
recursive 遞迴
phrase structure rules 詞組結構規則
phrasal, lexical, functional categories 詞組類別、實詞、虛詞 (範疇)
subject 主詞、主語
predicate 謂詞/語、述詞/語
object 受詞/賓語
direct object 直接受詞/賓語
indirect object 間接受詞/賓語
oblique object 其他間接賓語
infinitive 不定詞
bare infinitive 動詞原型
transformational grammar 變形語法
deep structure 深層結構
surface structure 表層結構
structure dependent rules 依靠結構規則
syntactic dependencies 句法依賴關系
wh- words 疑問詞
wh- fronting 疑問詞提前
Universal Grammar (UG) 普遍語法
principles and parameters (PP) theory 原則與參數理論
agreement 呼應、一致
coordination 對稱連接;同等、並列連接
copula 繫詞

Entire text of "This is the house that Jack built":

Text of Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky": (Does anybody have the Chinese version by 趙元任?)

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