Notes on Fromkin, An Introduction to Language, Chapter Eight
Language Acquisition

Vocabulary: (if you know of a more appropriate Chinese translation for any of these terms, please let me know!)

language acquisition 語言習得
relative clauses 關係子句
behaviorism 行為主義、行為論
reinforcement learning. 回饋式學習
analogy 類比
connectionism 聯結論
motherese, baby talk 親子語、媽媽話、兒語
child-directed speech 兒向言語
imperative 命令式、祈使句
innateness hypothesis 天賦假說、天賦論
poverty of the stimulus 刺激貧乏
babbling 喃語、兒語
holophrastic 全句語言
holophrastic speech 用一個字表答全部的意思
syntactic bootstrapping 自舉自助 (「拔靴袢而自助」)、以語法形式來推想詞意
overgeneralization 過度推論、過度類化
telegraphic speech 電報式語言
mean length of utterance (MLU) 語句平均長度
parameters 參數
metalinguistic awareness 後設語言覺識
fossilize 僵化
interlanguage grammar 中介語


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