Journal list for Hu lab

Compiled by Jer-Ming Hu, Oct. 14, 2008

Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica (植物分類地理 - 日文) (台大有紙本) (胡)

Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica (植物分類學報) (萬方數據的連結) (喬巴)

American Journal of Botany (俊)

American Naturalist (through EBSCO) (喬巴)

Annals of Botany (妤)

Annals of Missouri Botanical Garden (JSTOR的連結 - 台大只有紙本) (柏)

Annual Review of Ecology & Systematics (through EBSCO) (君)

Annual Review of Plant Biology (Annual Review自己的website) (君)

Australian Systematic Botany (台大只有紙本,網路只有部份pdf可下載) (柏)

Biochemical Systematics & Evolution (through ScienceDirect) (君)

Biodiversity and Conservation (through SpringerLink) (柏)

BioEssays (through Wiley InterScience) (胡)

Bioinformatics (胡)

BMC Bioinformatics (胡)

BMC Biology (君)

BMC Developmental Biology (胡)

BMC Ecology (胡)

BMC Evolutionary Biology (君)

BMC Plant Biology (胡)

Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (出版商Blackwell的網頁) (EBSCO的連結 - 台大有12個月全文檢視的delay) (喬巴)

Botanical Review (through Illumina) (喬巴)

Botanical Studies (中研院植物所彙刊) (妤)

Canadian Journal of Botany (through EBSCO - 台大有6個月全文檢視的delay) (胡)

Cladistics (through Blackwell網站) (台大電子版只到2003年) (胡)

Current Biology (through ScienceDirect) (君)

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development (through ScienceDirect) (徐)

Current Opinion in Plant Biology (through ScienceDirect) (天)

Development (天)(祥)

Development, Genes & Evolution (through SpringerLink) (徐)

Developmental Biology (胡)

Diversity and Distributions (through Blackwell) (妤)

Ecology (喬巴)

EMBO Journal (胡)

Evolution (through Blackwell) (through Illumina) (柏)

Evolution & Development (through EBSCO - 台大有12個月全文檢視的delay) (胡)

Evolutionary Ecology (through SpringerLink) (祥)

Flora (through ScienceDirect) (妤)

Gene (through ScienceDirect) (白)

Genes & Development (白)

Genetics (白)

Genome Research (徐)

International Journal of Plant Sciences (俊)

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (胡)

Journal of Bacteriology (胡)

Journal of Biogeography (through Blackwell) (祥)

Journal of Ecology (台大電子版只有2002, 2004年) (喬巴)

Journal of Evolutionary Biology (through Blackwell) (柏)

Journal of Experimental Botany (胡)

Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (原Acta Botanica Sinica 植物學報) (在台大可點選[中國期刊全文資料庫]進入)

Journal of Molecular Evolution (through SpringerLink) (through EBSCO也可以 - 台大有12個月全文檢視的delay)

Journal of Plant Research (through SpringerLink) (胡)

Journal of Virology (胡)

Molecular Biology & Evolution (柏)

Molecular Ecology (through Blackwell, 台大電子版只有2002, 2004年) (through EBSCO - 台大有12個月全文檢視的delay)

Molecular Genetics & Genomics (through SpringerLink) (徐)

Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution (through ScienceDirect) (胡)

Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions (喬巴)

Nature (徐)

Nature Genetics (徐)

Nature Review Genetics (徐)

New Phytologist (through Blackwell) (俊)

Oecologia (through SpringerLink) (胡)

Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (through ScienceDirect) (妤)

Philosophical Transections of the Royal Society of London, Biological Sciences (JSTOR的連結 - 台大只有紙本) (胡)

Planta (through SpringerLink) (徐)

Plant and Cell Physiology (白)

Plant Cell (天)(祥)

Plant Journal (through Blackwell) (白)

Plant Molecular Biology (through SpringerLink) (白)

Plant Physiology (白)

Plant Science (胡)

Plant Systematics & Evolution (through SpringerLink) (through EBSCO也可以 - 台大有12個月全文檢視的delay) (胡)

PLoS Biology (喬巴)

PLoS Genetics (徐)

PNAS (中)

Science (白)

Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology (through ScienceDirect) (胡)

Sexual Plant Reproduction (妤)

Systematic Biology (柏)

Systematic Botany (俊)

Systematics & Biodiversity (胡)

Taiwania (俊)

Taxon (俊)

Trends in Ecology and Evolution (through ScienceDirect) (妤)

Trends in Genetics (through ScienceDirect) (胡)

Trends in Plant Science (through ScienceDirect) (祥)

林業研究季刊(Research Paper Quarterly, 中興大學實驗林) (喬巴)

國立台灣博物館年刊 (台大有紙本) (胡)

中華林學季刊 (Quarterly Journal of Chinese Forestry, 台大有紙本) (祥)