1989: B.Sc. in Atmospheric Science at the National Taiwan University, Taiwan (國立台灣大學 大氣科學學士)
1995: Ph.D. in Remote Sensing at the University of Cambridge, England (英國劍橋大學 遙測博士)
2023- Present: University Chair Professor, National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學講座教授)
2017- Present: Lifetime Distinguished Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學大氣科學系終身特聘教授)
2013- Present: Distinguished Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學大氣科學系特聘教授)
2012- 2018: Adjoint Scientist, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (中央研究院環境變遷研究中心合聘研究員)
2014- 2017: Chair, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學大氣科學系系主任)
2010- Present: Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學大氣科學系教授)
2011: Director of International Affairs, College of Science, National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學理學院國際事務中心主任)
2006- 2010: Associate professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學大氣科學系副教授)
2004- 2006: Assistant professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學大氣科學系助理教授)
2000- 2004: Assistant Research Scientist, Head of Remote Sensing Lab and Project PI, National Center for Ocean Research, National Taiwan University , Taiwan (國家海洋科學研究中心助理研究員、遙測研究室及計畫主持人)
1995- 1999: Research Scientist, Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing & Processing, National University of Singapore , Singapore (新加坡大學遙感與影像處理中心科學研究員)
1997: Technical committee member of the International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium 1997 (IGARSS'97)
1992: Visiting researcher, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), USA (美國太空總署噴射推進實驗室訪問學生)
Awards, Highlights, Synergistic Activities, and Selected News:
2025 to 2026: 受邀擔任臺灣科學特殊人才提升計畫(Taiwan Top Science Student Project, TTSS)-2025物理良師益友計畫(2025 Physics Mentorship Program, PMP)導師
2024: World’s Top 2% Scientists 2024
2024: UN/GOOS (United Nations/Global Ocean Observing System)-Tropical Cyclones Ocean Observations and Forecasts Exemplar Steering Committee [8th WMO Workshop on the Impact of Various Observing Systems on Numerical Weather Prediction and Earth System Prediction](聯合國全球海洋觀測系統-熱帶氣旋海洋觀測與預報示範指導委員會[「世界氣象組織(World Meteorological Organization, WMO)」第8屆各種觀測系統對數值天氣預報和地球系統預報的影響研討會])
2024: Best Environmental Sciences Scientists in Taiwan
2024 to 2027: American Meteorological Society (AMS) Fellows Committee
2024: Featured, ‘Women’s History Month’(Mar. 2024), American Meteorological Society Social Media (美國氣象學會全國婦女歷史月特寫)
2024: Fellow of American Meteorological Society (AMS) (美國氣象學會會士)
2023: Best Environmental Sciences Scientists in Taiwan
2023: World’s Top 2% Scientists 2023
2023: UN/GOOS (United Nations/Global Ocean Observing System)-Tropical Cyclones Ocean Observations and Forecasts Exemplar Steering Committee
2023: Principal Investigator, Science Vanguard Research Program , National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) (國科會卓越領航研究計畫主持人)
2023: US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Panel, 101st Meeting of the Ocean Studies Board (美國國家科學院 Marine Heat Wave 專家小組)
Since 2023: University Chair Professor, National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學講座教授)
2023: 臺北市私立復興實驗高級中學78週年校慶傑出校友
2023: Featured in “Female Power of Taiwan” on the International Women's Day (8 March 2023), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan (台灣外交部婦女節國際形象短片)
2023: The AMS Editor's Award - Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The award citation reads "For insightful and detailed comments that have been instrumental in reaching publication decisions on challenging manuscripts".
2022: Best Environmental Sciences Scientists in Taiwan
2022: World’s Top 2% Scientists 2022
2022: Invited author, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change in the IWTC-10 report (受邀參加「世界氣象組織(World Meteorological Organization, WMO)」四年一度國際熱帶氣旋科學報告之專家團隊,參與撰寫專書(IWTC-10 report) 之Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change章節)
2022: UN/GOOS (United Nations/Global Ocean Observing System)-Tropical Cyclones Ocean Observations and Forecasts Exemplar Steering Committee
2022: The Ministry of Education’s 25th Annual National Chair Professorship Award (教育部第25屆國家講座主持人獎)
2021: World’s Top 2% Scientists 2021
2021: Invited Formal Seminar, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (GFDL/NOAA), Princeton USA.
2021: The 14th Taiwan Outstanding Women in Science Award, held jointly by L’Oreal Taiwan and the Wu Chien-shiung Education Foundation(第十四屆台灣傑出女科學家獎-台灣萊雅與吳健雄學術基金會共同主辦)[Web_Introduction]
2020: Invited Chapter, American Geophysical Union 100th anniversary celebration monograph (ENSO in a Changing Climate) ENSO and Tropical Cyclones Chapter. This monograph is also one of the 4 Books from AGU for the COP26 Climate Summit Show Case in Glasgow, UK in 2021. (受邀主導撰寫AGU100週年紀念專書 (ENSO in a Changing Climate) 之ENSO and Tropical Cyclones專章,為台灣唯一受邀之Invited chapter。此書為One of the 4 Books from AGU Collected as special COP26 (第26屆聯合國氣候變化大會,2021年10月31日至11月12日,蘇格蘭格拉斯哥舉行) Virtual Book Showcase) [COP26 Virtual Book Showcase]
2019: Invited Author ‘Frontiers in Marine Science’ on ocean observation for tropical cyclones. (受邀與國際專家團隊共同撰寫’Frontiers in Marine Science’未來熱、溫帶氣旋之海洋觀測Recommendation,台灣唯一受邀之學者)
2018 to 2021: Principal Investigator, Project for Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) research fellow (科技部特約研究計畫主持人)
2018: Lin et al. GRL 2013, Lin et al. MWR 2005, Lin et al. GRL 2003, and Jin et al. Nature 2014 cited in Kerry Emanuel, 100 Years of Progress in Tropical Cyclone Research, Meteorological Monographs, 59, 15.1-15.68, doi:10.1175/amsmonographs-d-18-0016.1.,2018 - Celebrating the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Centennial
2018: Invited author, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Intensity Change: External Influences, IWTC-9 Report (受邀參加「世界氣象組織(World Meteorological Organization, WMO)」四年一度國際熱帶氣旋科學報告之專家團隊,參與撰寫專書(IWTC-9 report) 之Intensity Change: External Influences章節)
2018: Distinguished Research Professor, National Taiwan University. (台大學術研究成果傑出教師)
2018: New Fellow of Meteorological Society, Taiwan (中華民國氣象學會會士)
2018: 指導博士班研究生黃筱晴Hsiao-Ching Huang榮獲106年度中華民國氣象學會「周佳博士氣候論文獎-研究新秀獎」,論文名稱:Air-sea fluxes for Hurricane Patricia (2015): Comparison with supertyphoon Haiyan (2013) and under different ENSO conditions
2018: Distinguished Fudan Scholar (上海復旦大學訪問學者)
Since 2017: 國立台灣大學大氣科學系終身特聘教授
2017: The 61st Academic Award, Ministry of Education, Taiwan (教育部第61屆學術獎)
2017: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans paper was selected as cover image (於Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans發表之論文受選為該期封面圖片)
2017: Lin et al. GRL 2014, Huang et al. JGR 2017 and Lin et al. BAMS 2017 papers were highlighted by Earth & Space Science News. [EOS News](PDF)
2016: 指導博士班學生黃筱晴Hurricane Patricia之研究,參與2016年於北京舉行之重要國際AOGS會議(Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 13th Annual Meeting, 48個國家3000餘人與會,海報競賽1023人),於海報競賽1000多名競爭者中脫穎而出,獲得「最佳學生海報獎」,為台灣眾多參賽者中唯一獲獎者,亦為該會議27位獲獎人中唯一的台灣代表。
2015: Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (103年度科技部傑出研究獎)
2015: Minor planet (31336) Chenyuhsin is named for Chen Yu-Hsin - Chen Yu-Hsin was awarded best of category and first place in the 2014 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her earth science project, and also received the European Union Contest for Young Scientists Award (林依依老師指導之北一女中數理資優班學生陳郁欣因參加英特爾國際科學展獲獎,MIT Lincoln Lab.特將第31336小行星以她的名字命名為“Chenyuhsin”)
2015: Nature Scientific Reports paper was highlighted in NTU Newsletter (Z. Zheng, I. Lin, B. Wang, H. Huang, and C. Chen) (發表於Nature Scientific Reports之論文刊登於台大校訊1230期及報章雜誌)
2015: Nature communications paper was highlighted in NTU newsletter. (I. Lin and J. Chan) (發表於Nature communicationsspan 之論文刊登於台大校訊1221期)
2015: Nature communications paper was highlighted in NTU newsletter. (P. Huang, I. Lin, C. Chou, and R. Huang) (發表於Nature communications之論文刊登於台大校訊1221期及報章雜誌)
2014: Nature paper on the Eastern Pacific Tropical Cyclones and ENSO was highlighted by NTU newsletter. (F. Jin, J. Boucharel, and I. Lin). (發表於Nature之論文刊登於台大校園焦點409期及國內外報章雜誌)
2014: Featured and interviewed in the special documentary ‘Mega Disasster’ of Japan’s National TV, NHK. (林依依教授研究團隊接受日本NHK電視節目採訪)
2014: US NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association)’s spotlight for authors of the State of Climate Report 2013 (Bulletin of American Meteorological Society). (BAMS期刊2013年度State of Climate Report由全球57個國家共425科學家共同撰寫,NOAA選出8位學者作特別報導,林依依教授為亞洲唯一代表)[State of the Climate in 2013: Spotlight on authors](PNG)
2014: Long-term supervison (2012 onwards) of a high school student (Yu-Hsin Chen) on ocean subsurface warming and typhoon intensity. Top Prize of the ‘Earth and Planetary Science’ discipline was won in the International Intel Science Competition (> 60 countries) 2014, in LA, USA. This was the best result for Taiwan in the past 3 decades for the ‘Earth and Planetary Science’ Discipline.(指導北一女中數理資優班學生陳郁欣參加英特爾國際科學展(Intel ISEF)榮獲「Intel ISEF 2014 Grand Award Winners」:歐洲青年科學家聯合競賽獎(European Union Contest for Young Scientists)、大會地球與行星科學科類科首獎、大會地球與行星科學科一等獎及美國氣象學會特別獎三等獎,共四項大獎。其中Intel ISEF 2014 Grand Award Winners為近年台灣地球科學類別競賽之最高獎項)
2013: Lin et al. 2013 paper on Ocean Coupling Potential Intensity Index highlighted by Canada’s Advances in Engineering. (Lin et al. 2013發表於Geophysical Research Letters之論文被Canada’s Advances in Engineering特別報導)
[Highlighted by Advance in Engineering]
2013: Pun, Lin et al. 2013 paper highlighted by Science and The Christian Science Monitor. (Pun, Lin et al. 2013發表於Geophysical Research Letters之論文被Science、csmonitor特別報導)
[Highlighted by Science]
2013: Pun, Lin et al. 2013 paper on recent ocean subsurface warming in the western Pacific was highlighted by the international satellite altimetry centre, AVISO (under French Space Agency, CNES). A figure of the paper was chosen as the ‘Image of the Month’ of Aug. 2013 and highlighted in both English and French. (Pun, Lin et al. 2013發表於Geophysical Research Letters之論文被AVISO以英、法文特別報導,其中論文中圖片選為‘Image of the Month’ of Aug. 2013)[AVISO Image of the Month-August 2013][French][Highlighted by Science](PDF)
2013: 國立台灣大學102學年度特聘教授
2011: One of the Three Major Research Achievements of the Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (中央研究院數理組三項重要研究成果之一)[Volcano aerosol-ocean biogeochemical interaction,Lin et al. GBC 2011].
2011: Faculty Exempted from Review, National Taiwan University (台大免評鑑資格教師)
2011: 99年度台大績優教研人員
2011: Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council, Taiwan (99年度國科會傑出研究獎)
Since 2009, the applicant has been the only scientist in Taiwan invited to write an important annual ‘State of Climate’ special report of the Bulletin of American Meteorological Society. (林依依教授自2009年受邀加入BAMS期刊每年度重要的‘State of Climate’執筆「熱帶地區—熱帶氣旋熱潛能 (4. The Tropics—e. Tropical cyclone heat potential)」專欄,為台灣唯一參與之學者)
2009: Twice (February and March) featured by NASA with official press release for research on Indian Ocean Killer Cyclone Nargis (2008), also reported by the USA Today, Science Daily, and the National Taiwan University News. (發表於Geophysical Research Letters之Nargis熱帶氣旋論文受NASA兩度報導,同時受國內外報章雜誌如USA Today、Science Daily、台大焦點報導)
2009: Outstanding Teaching Award, National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學97學年度教學傑出教師)
2008: Reported by the International Scientific Committee on Ocean Research (SCOR)’s Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) newsletter. (發表於Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography之論文受SCOR、SOLAS報導)
2007: Ten outstanding Young Women Award of the Republic of China (2007年中華民國第十九屆十大傑出女青年)
2007: Teaching Award of the College of Science, National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學理學院95學年度院教學優良教師)
2005: Ta-You Wu Memorial Award for Young Scientists, National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C. (行政院國家科學委員會吳大猷先生紀念獎)
2005: Academia Sinica’s Research Publication Award for Young Scientists (中央研究院年輕學者研究著作獎)
2004: American Geophysical Union (AGU) START Young Scientist Award.
2004: Reported in NASA's 10-years anniversary of earth observation highlights, 2004.
2003: Citation in Nature: News and Views in Brief, 7 August, 2003, vol. 425, no. 6949, pp. 630, 'Oceanography: Bloom in Cyclone' (original paper see Lin I-I et al., 2003c, Geophysical Research Letters).
2003: Citation in Nature: News and Views in Brief, 13 March, 2003, vol. 422, no. 6928, pp. 132, 'Atmospheric Science: Quick, quick, slow' (original paper see Lin I-I et al., 2003a, Geophysical Research Letters).
Press Conference 'Latest Ocean Winds Research Creates a Stir - Typhoons a boon for Ocean life' on 6 December 2002 during AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA. Related News were reported by the Associate Press (7 Dec, 2002), CNN (8 Dec. 2002), NASA/Jet Propulsion Lab News Release (6 Dec. 2002), United Daily (聯合報), Taiwan (9 Dec. 2002), and National Geographic (國家地理雜誌), Taiwan.
Press Conference 'Oceanography breakthrough a world first for Taiwan research', 26 September 2001 during 2001 Joint Geosciences Assembly (JGA), Taipei, Taiwan. Related News were reported by the Chinapost (16 Oct. 2001), Freedom Daily (自由日報) (27 Sep., 2001), China Times (中國時報) (26 Sep., 2001).
1992: Award for best presentation of non-native English speaker at the IGS (International Glaciological Society) Symposium on Remote Sensing of Ice and Snow, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
Professional services:
Reviewer: Science
Reviewer: Nature
Reviewer: Nature Climate Change
Reviewer: Nature Geoscience
Reviewer: Nature Communications
Reviewer: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS)
Reviewer: Journal of Climate
Reviewer: Journal of Geophysical Research –Atmosphere (JGR-Atmosphere)
Reviewer: Journal of Geophysical Research -Oceans (JGR-Oceans)
Reviewer: Journal of Geophysical Research -Biogeosciences (JGR-Biogeosciences)
Reviewer: Geophysical Research Letters (GRL)
Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IEEE TGARS)
Reviewer: Journal of Physical Oceanography (JPO)
Reviewer: Limnology and Oceanography (L & O)
Reviewer: Monthly Weather Review (MWR)
Reviewer: Ocean Modelling
Reviewer: Ocean Science (OS)
Reviewer: Progress in Oceanography (PO)
Reviewer: Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
Reviewer: Biogeosciences (BG)
Reviewer: Journal of Marine Science and Technology (JMST)
Reviewer: Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan (JMSJ)
Reviewer: Journal of Oceanography (JO)
Reviewer: Climate dynamics
Reviewer: International Journal of Climatology
Reviewer: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Reviewer: Deep-Sea Research Part I
Reviewer: Boundary-Layer Meteorology
Reviewer: Nature Scientific Reports
Reviewer: Terrestrial, Atmosphere, and Oceanic Sciences (TAO)
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ., USA
Univ. of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney, Australia
External Reviewer: Academia Sinica