Hsueh-Yung LIN 林學庸

National Taiwan University
Department of Mathematics
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd.,
Taipei 10617, Taiwan
Office: Astronomy Mathematics Building, Room 560
hsuehyunglin (arobase) ntu.edu.tw
Research articles:
Cone conjectures:
Motivic invariants of birational maps:
Dynamics on algebraic varieties or compact Kähler manifolds:
- (With T.-C. Dinh, K. Oguiso, D.-Q, Zhang) On the virtual invariants of zero entropy groups of compact Kähler manifolds,
- (With T.-C. Dinh, C. Gachet, K. Oguiso, L. Wang, X. Yu) Smooth projective surfaces with infinitely many real forms,
To appear in "Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa".
- (With J. A. Chen, K. Oguiso) On the Kawaguchi--Silverman Conjecture for birational automorphisms of irregular varieties,
- (With K. Oguiso, D.-Q, Zhang) Polynomial log-volume growth
in slow dynamics and the GK-dimensions of twisted homogeneous coordinate rings,
to appear in "Journal of Noncommutative Geometry".
- (With T.-C. Dinh, K. Oguiso, D.-Q, Zhang) Zero entropy automorphisms of compact Kähler manifolds and dynamical filtrations,
Geom. Funct. Anal. 32 (2022), no. 3, 568–594.
Algebraicity of compact Kähler manifolds:
- On the
dual positive cones and the algebraicity of a compact Kähler manifold,
Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, Volume spécial en l'honneur de Claire Voisin, epiga:10771.
- Algebraic approximations of
compact Kähler threefolds, arXiv:1710.01083.
- Algebraic
approximations of compact Kähler manifolds of algebraic codimension 1, Duke Mathematical Journal, 169 (2020), no. 14, 2767–2826.
- Algebraic approximations of
fibrations in abelian varieties over a curve, J. Algebraic Geom. 31 (2022), no. 1, 75–103.
- (With B. Claudon, A. Höring) The
fundamental group of Kähler threefolds, Geometry & Topology
23-7 (2019), 3233--3271.
Algebraic cycles in hyper-Kähler varieties:
- Lagrangian constant cycle subvarieties in Lagrangian
fibrations, International Mathematics
Research Notices, Volume 2020, No.1, 14-24.
- On the
Chow groups of zero-cycles of a generalized Kummer variety, Advances
in Mathematics (2016), Volume 298,
Corrigendum, Advances
in Mathematics (2018), Volume 331, 1016-1021.
- Rational
maps from punctual Hilbert schemes of K3 surfaces, Manuscripta Mathematica (2015), Volume 1, 531-538.
- Singularities
of elliptic curves in K3 surfaces and the Beauville-Voisin zero-cycle, Bollettino dell'Unione
Matematica Italiana (2014), Volume 7, Issue 3, 227-242.
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