【徵聘】本系誠徵專任教師Teaching Positions Available

一 申請資格:



二、 起聘日期:2013年8月1日

三、 應徵資料:


  1. 個人學經歷表(表格請自本系網頁下載)
  2. 完整著作目錄及申請送審著作目錄表(表格請自本系網頁下載)
  3. 最高學位證書影本(或已通過論文口試,確定可於2013年7月31日前取得學位,則得先繳送原就讀學校權責單位正式開具之臨時學位證明正本。)
  4. 修讀碩、博士學位之成績單
  5. 推薦信兩封
  6. 擬開專門科目與通識課程歷史領域之課程教學大綱
  7. 研究旨趣與教學理念之說明
  8. 代表著作一式七份(必須為2008年8月以後出版)


  1. 參考著作一式七份(必須為2006年8月以後出版)
  2. 經歷證件影本
  3. 3.教師證書影本

四、 本系初審通過後,將另行安排演講,大約在2012年12月中下旬(旅費尚請自理),若未克參加,視同放棄應徵。

五、 申請截止日期:2012年9月10日止,務請於申請截止日前 (以郵戳為憑)以掛號寄達,逾期不予受理。

六、 郵寄地點:(10617)臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學歷史學系 (封面務請註明應徵者姓名及應徵歷史學系專任教師字樣)

      • 本系網址:http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~history/
      • 電子信箱:jhhwang@ntu.edu.tw
      • 聯絡人:甘懷真主任
      • 電話:+886 2-33664703;
      • 傳真:+886 2-23620028

Department of History, National Taiwan University

Tel:886-2-3366-4703; Fax:886-2-2362-0028
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan (R.O.C)

Faculty Positions Available

We are inviting applications for faculty positions in the discipline of History.

I. Requirements: Ph. D.

II. Initial appointment will start from August 1, 2013.

III. Application materials:

  1. Curriculum vitae
  2. List of publications
  3. Photocopy of Ph. D. diploma (Candidates who will receive their Ph. D. degree by July 31, 2013 can submit a formal temporary diploma issued by their university.)
  4. Two letters of recommendation
  5. Syllabi for a liberal education course (for non-majors) and a special topics course (for history majors)
  6. Statement of research interests
  7. Representative writings: seven copies of one or two academic works published after August, 2008
  8. Supporting publications (if any): seven copies of works published after August, 2006
  9. Proof of past/current employment (if any)
  10. Transcripts of master’s and doctorate degrees
  11. Photocopy of R.O.C. ID (both sides) (for aliens, a copy of the page in your passport with your personal particulars)
  12. Photocopy of Teacher Credentials (if any)

Applicants with strong commitments to research and teaching will be notified for an interview around December, 2012 (traveling expenses to Taiwan will not be compensated).

Application Deadline: September 10, 2012, by registered airmail, to Professor Huai-Chen Kan, Department of History, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan (R.O.C.)


