國立臺灣大學歷史學系  Department of History, National Taiwan University
學術演講 2016.2.2 公告
Prof. Eric Tagliacozzo 主講:Maritime Asian Cities: Historical Evolutions into the Present
Prof. Eric Tagliacozzo 介紹
  • 講 題:Maritime Asian Cities: Historical Evolutions into the Present
  • 演講者:Prof. Eric Tagliacozzo/美國康乃爾大學歷史系教授
  • 主持人:羅士傑 老師/臺大歷史系助理教授
  • 時 間:2016年2月18日(週四)14:00
  • 地 點:臺大歷史系會議室
  • 演講簡介:
    How singular are the cities of "Greater Southeast Asia"? While there are universalizing trends in global urbanization currently taking place across the planet, several Southeast Asian cities will adopt these new frameworks and institutions at least partly within a local model that is already several centuries old. Particular to the region, this model does not parallel South and East Asia's urban evolutions, the two regions traditionally (and somewhat erroneously) regarded as the well-springs of Southeast Asian culture. Rather, it contradicts it. The cities of the "lands beneath the winds" have been and will continue to be primarily their own creatures from a variety of vantage points. Yet it is only by examining the pattern of these cities’ evolutions that we can hope to gain any insight into how these urban centers may unfold in the future. It is in the distant and colonial past that we can search for geographic and demographic clues that explain how the new Asian "super-capitals" sitting along the equator may evolve in the years to come.




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