The conference program booklet is now available here.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Taipei this week.
We regret to inform you that one of our keynote speakers, Anne Cutler, will not be able to attend our conference anymore.
In 2018, the joint conference ICPEAL 17 – CLDC 9 (the 17th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages and the 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition) will be held from 19 to 21 October 2018 at National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan.
This joint conference will be hosted by the Graduate Institute
of Linguistics, the Department of Psychology, Neurobiology and Cognitive Science Center at NTU,
the Imaging Center for Integrated Body, Mind and Culture Research at NTU.
It will be sponsored also by the Department of Electrical Engineering at NTU, and the Linguistic Society of Taiwan (LST).
The ICPEAL, which was held first in Taiwan at NTU 40 years ago in 1978, provides opportunities for researchers to disseminate new research findings, to exchange new ideas, to develop new paradigms, and, consequently to advance the cognitive study of not only East Asian languages, but also languages around the world.
The CLDC similarly aims to provide a forum for researchers interested in language, discourse, and cognition to discuss new research findings, exchange innovative ideas and share the approaches in these fields. Topics relevant to language, discourse, and cognition as well as interdisciplinary studies stimulated over the last few years have given rise to a growing body of critical findings, making CLDC an important event in the field of cognitive linguistics in East Asia.
Consequently, studies presented at the joint conference ICPEAL–CLDC focus on the study of languages from many perspectives, in order to enrich the dialogue between different fields of cognitive science. As such, the main theme of this joint conference is: BETWEEN CULTURE AND COGNITION, referring to the place language often finds itself in.
Call for papers
The joint conference ICPEAL 17 – CLDC 9 provides an international forum that brings together researchers interested in language, discourse, cognition, and processing of languages. The focus of ICPEAL 17 – CLDC 9 sets BETWEEN CULTURE AND COGNITION — the place language often is situated in — as the main theme, in the hope that we can further explore various issues bearing on the symbiosis among cognitive and cultural approaches to the study of language.
We would like to invite original abstracts on topics dealing with, but not limited to, the following broad disciplines or sub-disciplines:
Character and word processing
Sentence and discourse processing
Concept / knowledge representation and storage
Speech perception, prosody and auditory processing
Language production
Language acquisition, development, and learning
Language computational modeling
Language-related cognitive and emotional processing
Developmental and acquired language disorders
Cognitive pragmatics and culture
Discourse analysis
Language and culture
Language and cognition
Cognitive Linguistics
Metaphor and metonymy
Linguistic typology and culture
Linguistic typology and cognition
Corpus linguistics