
2 6 0 次 學 術 演 講 公 告

講題Understanding Social Behavior through Language Use

主講人謝亦泰博士 (University of Texas at Austin)

With the advancement of modern techniques, we have new opportunities to apply various technical methods in order to

: study social behavior. One such method that focuses on human behavior is computerized text analysis. This linguistic tool is able to uncover the language patterns that are associated with particular behaviors. In this presentation, I will introduce Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC; pronounced “Luke”), which is one of the most popular computerized text analysis programs in the social sciences. Additionally, I will demonstrate how LIWC can be used in order to study complaining behavior, a common behavior in our daily lives of which most of us are not consciously aware. I will also demonstrate how to use computerized text analysis to infer hidden desires and expectations behind complaints. Thinking styles and sociolinguistic markers will be discussed in this talk as topics that are supplemental to computerized text analysis.

時 間20131016中午12:30‐14:30

地 點台大語言所305(樂學館3F)
