par( mex = 0.8, mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1 )
plot( 0:10, 0:10,
xlab = "", ylab = "",
pch = 1:11, col = 1:8, type = "n" )
axis( side = 1, at = 0:10 )
axis( side = 2, at = 0:10 )
# 臉輪廓
symbols( 5, 5,
circles = 6,
fg = "blue",
lwd = 2,
inches = FALSE,
add = TRUE )
# 眼睛
symbols( 3.5, 6.5,
circles = 0.5,
fg = "dark violet", bg = "purple",
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
symbols( 6.5, 6.5,
circles = 0.5,
fg = "dark violet",
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 眉毛
symbols( 3.5, 8.5,
rectangles = matrix(c(1.5, 0.5), nrow =1),
fg = "gray", inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
symbols( 6.5, 8.5,
rectangles = matrix(c(1.5, 0.5), nrow =1),
fg = "gray", inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 鼻子
symbols( 5, 4.5,
rectangles = matrix(c(0.5, 2), nrow =1),
fg = "green", bg = "lightgreen",
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 嘴巴
symbols( 5, 1.5,
squares = 1.5,
fg = "red",
lwd = 2, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 鬍子
polygon( c(3.5, 3, 2), c(3, 3, 2),
col = "orange" )
polygon( c(6.5, 7, 8), c(3, 3, 2),
col = "orange" )
######################################################### # 繪圖函數 – myFace( ) # draw face
myFace <- function( cx, cy ) {
# 臉輪廓
symbols( cx+0, cy+0,
circles = 4,
fg = "blue",
lwd = 2,
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 眼睛
symbols( cx-1.5, cy+1.5,
circles = 0.5,
fg = "dark violet", bg = "purple",
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
symbols( cx+1.5, cy+1.5,
circles = 0.5,
fg = "dark violet", bg = "purple",
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 眉毛
symbols( cx-1.5, cy+3.5,
rectangles = matrix(c(1.5, 0.5), nrow =1),
fg = "gray",
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
symbols( cx+1.5, cy+3.5,
rectangles = matrix(c(1.5, 0.5), nrow =1),
fg = "gray",
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 鼻子
symbols( cx+0, cy-0.5,
rectangles = matrix(c(0.5, 2), nrow =1),
fg = "green", bg = "lightgreen",
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 嘴巴
symbols( cx+0, cy-3.5,
squares = 1.5,
fg = "red",
lwd = 2, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 鬍子
polygon( c( cx-1.5, cx-2, cx-3), c( cy-2, cy-2, cy-3),
col = "orange" )
polygon( c( cx+1.5, cx+2, cx+3), c( cy-2, cy-2, cy-3),
col = "orange" )
plot( 0, 0,
xlab = "", ylab = "",
xlim = c(0, 100), ylim=c(0,100) )
myFace( 1, 1 )
myFace( 10, 10 )
myFace( 50, 50 )
myFace( 20, 80 )
myFaceOff <- function( cx, cy ) {
# 臉輪廓
symbols( cx+0, cy+0,
circles = 4,
fg = "white",
lwd = 2, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 眼睛
symbols( cx-1.5, cy+1.5,
circles = 0.5,
fg = "white", bg = "white",
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
symbols( cx+1.5, cy+1.5,
circles = 0.5,
fg = "white", bg = "white",
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 眉毛
symbols( cx-1.5, cy+3.5,
rectangles = matrix(c(1.5, 0.5), nrow =1),
fg = "white",
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
symbols( cx+1.5, cy+3.5,
rectangles = matrix(c(1.5, 0.5), nrow =1),
fg = "white",
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 鼻子
symbols( cx+0, cy-0.5,
rectangles = matrix(c(0.5, 2), nrow =1),
fg = "white", bg = "white",
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 嘴巴
symbols( cx+0, cy-3.5,
squares = 1.5, fg = "white",
lwd = 2,
inches = FALSE, add = TRUE )
# 鬍子
polygon( c( cx-1.5, cx-2, cx-3), c( cy-2, cy-2, cy-3),
col = "white", border = "white" )
polygon( c( cx+1.5, cx+2, cx+3), c( cy-2, cy-2, cy-3),
col = "white", border = "white" )
# on Console Windows
plot( 0, 0,
xlab = "", ylab = "",
xlim = c(0, 100), ylim=c(0,100) )
myFace( 1, 1 )
myFace( 10, 10 )
myFace( 50, 50 )
myFace( 20, 80 )
myFaceOff( 20, 80 )
myFaceOff( 50, 50 )
myFaceOff( 10, 10 )
# rectangular path
x <- c( -15:15, rep(15, 31), 15:-15, rep(-15, 31) )
y <- c( rep(15, 31), 15:-15, rep( -15, 31), -15:15 )
#plot( 0, 0, xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = c(-20, 20), ylim=c(-20,20) )
plot( x, y,
xlim = c( -25, 25 ), ylim=c( -25, 25 ) )
Num <- length(x)
# one way to animate the face
for ( i in 1:Num ){
myFace( x[i], y[i] )
Sys.sleep( 1 )
plot( x, y,
xlim = c( -25, 25 ), ylim=c( -25, 25 ) )
# good way to animate the face
for ( i in 1:Num ){
myFace( x[i], y[i] )
#line <- readline()
Sys.sleep( 0.1 )
myFaceOff( x[i], y[i] )
#line <- readline()
# circular path by sin cos
x <- sin(1:90/45*pi)*15
y <- cos(1:90/45*pi)*15
plot( x, y,
xlim = c( -25, 25 ), ylim=c( -25, 25 ) )
# good way to animate the face
for ( i in 1:Num ){
myFace( x[i], y[i] )
#line <- readline()
Sys.sleep( 0.1 )
myFaceOff( x[i], y[i] )
#line <- readline()
# rhombus path
x <- c( -15:15, 15, 15:-15 )
y <- c( 1:15, 15, 15:1, 0, -1:-15, -15, -15:-1 )
plot( x, y,
xlim = c( -25, 25 ), ylim=c( -25, 25 ) )
# good way to animate the face
for ( i in 1:Num ){
myFace( x[i], y[i] )
#line <- readline()
Sys.sleep( 0.1 )
myFaceOff( x[i], y[i] )
#line <- readline()
# random path
x <- sample( -15:15, 20 )
y <- sample( -15:15, 20 )
plot( x, y,
xlim = c( -25, 25 ), ylim=c( -25, 25 ) )
# good way to animate the face
for ( i in 1:Num ){
myFace( x[i], y[i] )
#line <- readline()
Sys.sleep( 1 )
myFaceOff( x[i], y[i] )
#line <- readline()
# 數據排序
mySort <- function( x, plottype ) {
itemCount <- length( x )
repeat {
hasChanged <- FALSE
itemCount <- itemCount - 1
if ( itemCount >= 1 ){
for( k in 1 : itemCount ) {
if ( x[ k ] > x[ k+1 ] ) {
t <- x[ k ]
x[ k ] <- x[ k+1 ]
x[ k+1 ] <- t
hasChanged <- TRUE
# print( c( k , x ) )
# bubble sort plot, vertical plot
if( plottype == 1 ){
plot( x, 1:length(x), pch = 1, cex = 8 )
text( x, 1:length(x), as.character( x ), col = "red", cex=2 )
# bubble sort plot, horizontal plot
if( plottype == 2 ){
plot( x, pch = 1, cex = 8 )
text( 1:length(x), x, as.character( x ), col = "red", cex=2 )
# some waiting time
if ( !hasChanged ) break;
return( x )
layout( 1 )
mySort( 5:1, 1 )
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
mySort( 5:1, 2 )
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
mySort( 10:1, 1 )
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
mySort( 10:1, 2 )
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
datain <- sample( 1:10, 10, replace=F )
mySort( datain, 1)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
mySort( datain, 2)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f <- function(x) 0.01 * x^3 * cos(x) - 0.2 * x^2 * sin(x) + 0.05 * x - 1
par( mex = 0.8, mar = c(5, 5, 4, 2) + 0.1 )
curve( f,
from = -10, to = 20 )
curve( f,
from = -10, to = 10,
n = 20 )
f <- function(x) 0.01 * x^3 * cos(x) - 0.2 * x^2 * sin(x) + 0.05 * x - 1
g <- function(x) 10 * cos(x) * sin(x)
par( mex = 0.8, mar = c(5, 5, 4, 2) + 0.1 )
curve( f,
from = -10, to = 10,
lty = 1, col = "red", ylab = "" )
curve( g,
add = TRUE,
lty = 2, col = "blue" )
legend( "topright",
legend = c("f", "g"),
lty = 1:2,
col = c("red", "blue"))