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主持人 論文著作 研究室成員 歷屆博士後 歷屆畢業生 研究成果
  1. Liao CM, Yeh CH, Chen SC. 2008. Predation affects the susceptibility of hard clam Meretrix lusoria to Hg-stressed birnavirus. Ecological Modelling 210(3): 253-262.download
  2. Liao CM, Chen SC, Chang CF. 2008. Modeling respiratory infection control measure effects. Epidemiology and Infection: 136(3): 299-308. download
  3. Chen SC, Liao CM*. 2008. Modeling control measure efforts to reduce the impact of pandemic influenza among schoolchildren.Epidemiology and Infection 136(8): 1035-1045. download
  4. Lin MC, Liao CM. 2008. Assessing the risks on human health associated with inorganic arsenic intake from groundwater-cultured milkfish in southwestern Taiwan. Food and Chemical Toxicology 46(2):701-709. download
  5. Liao CM, Shen HH, Lin TL, Chen SC, Chen CL, Hsu LI, Chen CJ. 2008. Arsenic cancer risks posed to human health in Taiwan from tilapia consumption. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety: 70(1):27-37. download
  6. Liao CM, Lin TL, Chen SC. 2008. A Weibull-PBPK model for assessing risk of arsenic-related children skin lesions. Science of the Total Environment 392(2-3): 203-217. download
  7. Liao CM, Lin CM, Jou LJ, Chen WY. 2008. Sodium gill potential as a tool to monitor valve closure behavior in freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea in response to copper. Sensors 8(9):5250-5269. download
  8. Chen BC, Liao CM. 2008. A body weight-based method to estimate inorganic arsenic body burden through tilapia comsumption in Taiwan. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: 80(3):289-293. download
  9. Chio CP, Liao CM*. 2008. Assess atmospheric ultrafine carbon particle-induced human health risk based on surface area dosimetry. Atmospheric Environment: 42(37): 8575-8584. download
  10. Liao CM, Jau SF, Chen WY, Lin CM, Jou LJ, Liu CW, Liao VHC, Chang FJ. 2008. Acute toxicity and bioaccumulation of arsenic in freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea. Environmental Toxicology. 23(6): 702-711. download
  11. Liao CM, Chiang YH, Chio CP. 2008. Model-based assessment for human inhalation exposure risk to airborne nano/fine titanium dioxide particles. Science of the Total Environment. 407: 165-177.download
 106 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號 | 國立臺灣大學•生物環境系統工程所 生物系統模擬與控制研究室 | TEL: +886-2-33663475
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