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主持人 論文著作 研究室成員 歷屆博士後 歷屆畢業生 研究成果
  1. Liao CM, Ling MP. 2004. Probabilistic risk assessment of abalone Haliotis diversicolor supertexta exposed to waterborne zinc. Environmental Pollution 127(2): 217-227.download
  2. Liao CM, Chang KL, Chen BC, Chou YH, Lin MC. 2004. Shell of abalone Haliotis diversicolor supertexta can eliminate waterborne zinc biokinetically. Bioresource Technology 91(2):117-121. download
  3. Liang HM, Liao CM*. 2004. Dynamic transport of livestock generated VOC-odor in a ventilated airspace with mixing heterogeneity. Atmospheric Environment 38(3):345-355. download
  4. Kalingan AE, Liao CM*, Chen JW, Chen SC. 2004. Microbial degradation of livestock-generated ammonia by using biofilters at typical ambient temperatures. J. Environmental Science and Health B39(1):185-198. download
  5. Liao CM, Huang SJ, Yu H. 2004. Size-dependent particulate matter indoor/outdoor relationships for wind-induced naturally ventilated airspaces. Building and Environment 39(4):411-420. download
  6. Tsai JW, Chou YH, Chen BC, Liang HM, Liao CM*. 2004. Growth toxicity bioassays of abalone Haliotis diversicolor supertexta exposed to waterborne zinc. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 72(1): 70-77. download
  7. Liao CM, Chen BC, Tsai JW, Chen JW, Ling MP, Chou YH. 2004. A parsimonious AUC-based biokinetic method to estimate relative bioavailable zinc to abalone Haliotis diversicolor supertexta. Aquaculture 232(1-4):425-440. download
  8. Lin MC, Cheng HH, Lin HY, Chen YC, Chen YP, Chang-Chien GP, Chou YH, Liao CM*, Dai CF, Han BC, Liu CW. 2004. Arsenic accumulation and acute toxicity in aquacultural juvenile milkfish (Chanos chanos) from balckfoot disease area in Taiwan. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 72(2):248-254. download
  9. Liu CW, Jang CS, Liao CM. 2004. Evaluation of arsenic contamination potential using indicator kriging in Yun-Lin aquifer of Taiwan. The Science of the Total Environment 321(1-3):173-188. download
  10. Chen JW, Liao CM*, Chen SC. 2004. Compartmental human respiratory tract modeling of airborne dust exposure from feeding in swine buildings. J. Air & Waste Management Association 54(3):331-341. download
  11. Liao CM, Luo WC, Chen SC, Chen JW, Liang HM. 2004. Temporal/seasonal variations of size-dependent airborne fungi indoor-outdoor relationships for a wind-induced naturally ventilated airspace. Atmospheric Environment 38(26):4415-4419. download
  12. Liao CM, Tsai JW, Ling MP, Liang HM, Chou YH, Yang PT. 2004. Organ-specific toxicokinetics and dose-response of arsenic in tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicolog 47(4):502-510. download
  13. Chen BC, Liao CM*. 2004. Population models of farmed abalone Haliotis diversicolor supertexta exposed to waterborne zinc. Aquaculture 242(1-4): 251-269. download
  14. Chen BC, Liao CM*. 2004. Farmed tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus involved in transport and biouptake of arsenic in aquacultural ecosystems. Aquaculture 242(1-4): 365-380. download
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