傅耕彥 博士 Fu, Keng-Yen |
國立交通大學環境工程所 博士
- Fu KY, Chen CY, Chang WM (2007) Application of a yeast estrogen screen in non-biomarker species Varicorhinus barbatulus fish with two estrogen receptor subtypes to assess xenoestrogens. Toxicology In Vitro 21: 604-612.
- Fu KY, Chen CY, Chang WM (2008) Molecular cloning and tissue distribution of three estrogen receptors from the cyprinid fish, Varicorhinus barbatulus. J Comp Physiol B 178(2):189-197.
- Hsu SH, Fu KY, Huang TB, Tsai IJ, Yen CY (2009) The effect of laser pre-exposure on seeding endothelial cells to a biomaterial surface. Photomed Laser Surg (in press).
- Fu KY, Dai LG, Chiu IM, Chen JR, Hsu SH. (2010) Sciatic nerve regeneration by microporous nerve conduits seeded with GDNF or BDNF gene transfected neural stem cells. Artif Organs (in press).