



(A) 期刊論文


SSCI *“Power of the Neural Network Linearity Test”, 1993, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 02, 209-220. (Coauthored with and Timo Terasvirta and Clive W.J. Granger)

SSCI *“Testing the Constancy of Regression Parameters against Continuous Structural Change”, 1994, Journal of Econometrics, 02, 211-220. (Coauthored with and Timo Terasvirta)

TSSCI “ARCH族模型估計與檢定的問題”, 1996, 經濟論文叢刊, 24(3):339-355. (與張焯然合著)

TSSCI “變異數測與選擇權模擬市場的分析”, 1996, 經濟論文叢刊, 24(3):357-382. (與吳仁傑合著)

TSSCI "結構改變的GARCH模型", 1997, 經濟論文, 25:2, 201-225. (與張焯然合著) NSC-83-0301-H-002-062  

TSSCI "股票價格之模型誤設與投機泡沫︰一般化Kalman filter的分析", 1998, 人文及社會科學集刊,10(3), 361-397。(與陳禮潭、李明煌合著)

TSSCI "台灣醫療保健支出成長原因的探討", 1998, 人文及社會科學集刊,10(1),1-32。 。(與謝啟瑞、游慧光合著)

SSCI "Testing Parameter Constancy in Linear Models Against Stochastic Stationary Parameters", Journal ofEconometrics,1998, 90,2, pp. 193-213, (Coauthored with and Timo Terasvirta) NSC-84-2415-H-002-005  

SSCI "Comment on Savin and Lobato*s Real and Spurious Long Memory Properties of Stock Market Data", 1998, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 1998, Journal of Business and Statistics, 16(3), 272, (Coauthored with and Hwai-Chung Ho)

SCI "A Time Series Approach to Econometric Models of Taiwan's Economy", 1998, Statistica Sinica, Vol.8, No. 4, 991-1044. (Coauthored with Tiao, G.O. et. al)

SSCI "The Demand for Cigarettes in Taiwan: Domestic versus Imported Cigarettes", 1999, Journal of Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. 17, No.2, 223-234.(Coauthored with Chee-Ruey, Hsieh and The-Wei Hu)

"Do Bubbles and Time-Varying Risk Premiums Affect Stock Prices?" Global Business and Economics Global Business and Economics Review 2 (2), December 2000, pp. 159-171.  (Coauthored with Li-Tran Chen and Hueng, Chia-Yang)

SSCI "Evidence on Nonlinear Error Correction in Money Demand: the Case of Taiwan," 2001, Applied Economics, 33, 1727-1736. (Coauthored with Cliff Huang and Jen-Chi Cheng) NSC 88-2415-H-002-011

TSSCI "國民年金與政府財政負擔", 2001,台灣經濟預測與政策, 31,2,67-90. (與許振明、周麗芳、何金巡合著)

TSSCI "變異數結構的SWARCH模型估計:台灣股票市場之模型研究", 2001, 證券市場發展季刊. (與高櫻分、呂仁廣合著)

SSCI "Unit Root Tests in Panel Data: Asymptotic and Finite-Sample Properties ", 2002, Journal of Econometrics, 108, 1-24. (Coauthored with Andrew Levin and Chia Shang Chu).

TSSCI "開放經濟體系勞工退休制度之總體經濟計量分析國民年金與政府財政負擔", 2004,台灣經濟預測與政策, 34, 2, 31-72. (與何金巡、周麗芳、蕭麗卿合著)

TSSCI "緩長記憶與結構變換", 2004, 經濟論文叢刊,   將出版(與謝俊魁合著)



"金融資產的定價與危機中政府的角色", 1998, 58, 119-122. (與陳明郎合著)

"擴大內需與減稅", 1999, 台北市銀月刊, 29(1), 14-19. (與盧信昌合著)

"亞洲金融危機之探討", 1999, 金融財務季刊, 1(1), 69-87. (與陳茂瑋合著)

"電力領先指標之研究", 1999, 台電工程月刊, 605(1), 69-78. (與胡孝年,洪紹平,洪育民合著)

"你應該知道的衍生性金融商品", 2000, 貨幣市場,4(2), 49-65

"政府研究發展支出結構與成效分析", 2001, 財稅研究,33:3,18-35。 (與許振明、周麗芳、陳建良、蕭麗卿合著)

"新經濟的省思", 2001, 貨幣市場,5(1), 15-23. (與周崇輝合著)

"共整合與共整合與拱論", 2003, 科學月刊, 12月號


(二) 學術會議論文

"經濟變數的趨勢討論", 1993, 中國經濟年會。

"Tests of Structural Change: A Survey and New Result", 1993, Far East Econometrics Society meeting. (Coauthored with Hong-ken Jian )

"LSE經濟計量學的分析方法︰台灣貨幣需求的實證研究", 中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所,社會科學計量方法發展與應用學術研討會。(與盧陽正合著)

"非線性模型與台灣總體經濟的實證研究", 1996, 中國經濟年會。

"因應金融風暴之風險控管",2000, 瞭望公元 2000 年焦點研究, 國家展望文教基金會。

“The Economic Analysis of Waste Home Appliances Recycle Market with An Application in Taiwan”, 2000, in Energy 2000, Proceedings of the 8th International Energy Forum, 1048-54.


(三) 專書、技術報告


(四) 評論論文與書本章節 (Review articles and book chapters)

“ 飲料業的環保問題”, 1994, 於「環境保護與產業政策」台灣研究基金會叢書七,前衛出版社,台北。

“A Time Series Approach to Econometric Models of Taiwan's Economy,” 於吳中書主編 (1996)「台灣總體經濟計量模型研討會論文集」﹐中央研究院經濟所出版。(合著者為 Tiao, G.O., R.S. Tsay, K.S. Man, Y.J. Chu, K.K. Xu, C.Chen, J.L. Lin, C.M. Hsu, C.F. Lin, C.S. Mao, C.S. Ho, R.W. Liou, Y.F. Yang)

The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Alcohol Consumption in Taiwan,” 將於謝啟瑞與 Micheal Grossman 主編 (2000)「健康經濟研討會論文集」, 英Edward Elgar公司出版。(合著者為Chee-Ruey Hsieh and Mau-Shan Shi)

 再論臺灣廣義的貨幣需求函數M2” (2001) 於第五屆梁國樹教授紀念學術研討會論文集。(合著者為蔡佳芬與陳禮潭)


(五) 學位論文 (Degree papers)

"The Econometrics of Structural Change, Neural Network and Panel Data Analysis", 1992, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, San Diego, July.  備註︰ 博士論文指導教授 CWJ Granger 獲 2003 諾貝爾經濟學獎