Archaic Chinese Phonology

A. Goal and purpose of the course
The archaic Chinese phonetics belonged to the earliest stage of the history of Chinese phonetics, however, from the perspective of the entire history of the development and change of the Sino-Tibetan phonetics, the archaic Chinese phonetics has been acknowledged as inherited from the original Sino-Tibetan phonetics. As to the study on archaic Chinese phonology, there were various articulations made by different scholars and schools of learning. That is to say, a solid conclusion on the study has not been drawn. Thus, in this course we will try to examine the various points of view in order to evaluate their accomplishment and shortcoming and further to propose some revision.
The comparison between Chinese and Tibetan has an important implication on the research of archaic Chinese phonetics; this has already been a common understanding among scholars for a long time. Thus, we will introduce the theory and methodology of the history of the comparative linguistics into the study on archaic Chinese phonetics. Moreover, by tracing back to an earlier stage of the historical development of phone, we may be able to point out the rules as to how the archaic Chinese evolved originally from the primitive Sino-Tibetan language, and then how did it evolve to the middle Chinese phonetics.

B. Content of the instruction:
Historical development of archaic Chinese phonology
The comparison between Chinese and Tibetan phones and its relation to the study on archaic Chinese phonology.
Fundamental concepts regarding the research on the history of Chinese phonology.
The issue of the prepositive phone and rhyming ends in the archaic phonic system.
The development from primitive Sino-Tibetan to archaic Chinese phone.
The development of archaic Chinese phone to middle ages Chinese phone.

D. Teaching material: will be distributed in each session.
E. Grading criteria: students should submit a research paper by the end of the semester.
F. Bibliography:
Wang Li 1957: ‘Han Yu Shih Kao’ (Manuscripts on the History of Chinese).
Li Fang-Gui 1971: ‘Shang Gu Ing Iang Chiu’ < Research on Archaic Chinese Phonology>, "
Shen Jian-Shi 1969: ‘Guang Yun Sheng Hsi’ (The phonological system of Guang-Yun).
Guo Si-Liang 1986: ‘Han Tzi Gu Ing Shou Kao’ (Handbook of the ancient pronunciation of Chinese characters).
Gao Ben-Han (Karlgren﹐Bernhard) 1957, Grammata Serica Recensa, Chinese edition.
Pan Wu-Yun, Yang Chiang-Chiao, Chen Zhong-ye, Zhang Hong-Ming, translators 1997, ‘Han Wen Dian’ (Dictionary on Chinese characters).
Dong Tong-he 1970 ‘Han Yu Ing Yuin Shueih’ (Study on Chinese Phonology).
Gong Huang-Cheng, 2002, ‘Han Tsiang Yu Iang Chiu Lun Wen Chi’ (Collection of the Research on Sino-Tibetan Phonology).