




Title of the paper

Emission taxes vs. environmental standards under partial

ownership arrangements  


Authors of the paper

Quan Dong, Yang-Ming Chang


Journal, vol.(issue), pp

Research in Economics

Volume 74, Issue 3, September 2020, Pages 250-262


Suwannajoi Suttiwan


黃鴻、林燕淑、彭正浩、施姵全、高國峯、許至乙、王羿傑、SuttiwanDang-LongAyu Sasni MunteArtahMicah、楊雅棠、Anggoro、呂明權

This study considers the strategic relations between emission tax and environmental corporate social responsibility (ECSR) in a Cournot–Bertrand comparison and analyzes two different timings of the games between a tax-then-ECSR (T game) and an ECSR-then-tax (E game). We show that the T game always yields higher emission tax than the E game irrespective of competition modes, but lower ECSR under Cournot competition and higher ECSR when the marginal damage is high under Bertrand competition. We also show that compared with Bertrand competition, Cournot competition yields lower (higher) ECSR in the T (E) game but lower emission tax in the E game and higher emission tax when the product substitutability is low in the T game. We finally show that firms endogenously choose Cournot competition with the commitment of the E game irrespective of marginal damage and product substitutability.