
202312412:10~ 13:50




Title of the paper

Partial Cross-Ownership and Merger Control in International Trade


Authors of the paper

Arghya Ghosh, Hiroshi Mukunoki


Journal, vol.(issue), pp

Working paper


Hiroshi Mukunoki教授


黃鴻、林燕淑、王光正、彭正浩、高國峯、施姵全、許至乙、Suttiwan Suwannajoi、王羿傑、鍾暳陵、Bui Dang-long、周冰瑤、Ayu Sasni MunteChisomo Mkwandah、葉定豊、Artah、朱宣宥、楊雅棠

Given the rising trend of cross-ownership and mergers and acquisitions, this study builds an oligopoly model with general demand to analyze how partial cross-ownership (PCO) affects market competition and the merger control policies in international trade. In our model, ad valorem tariffs are imposed on imports. If the extent of PCO is sufficiently large, international PCO becomes more anti-competitive than domestic PCO, resulting in a higher price. This contrasts with the result that an international merger is always less anti-competitive than a domestic merger. Besides that, international PCO can result in a higher price than both domestic and international mergers, even without merger synergy effects. Moreover, when the competition authorities employ a consumer surplus standard as the merger control policy, pre-merger PCO facilitates the approval of the subsequent merger. Trade liberalization encourages the approval of a domestic merger but blocks an international merger from being approved. By way of policy implications, these results suggest that the competition authorities should regulate international PCO more heavily