
202351512:40~ 13:50




Title of the paper

Innovation and Network Neutrality in Two-sided Market


Authors of the paper

Suwannajoi Suttiwan and Yan-Shu Lin,



Journal, vol.(issue), pp

Working Paper




黃鴻、林燕淑、施全、彭正浩、郭文忠、許至乙、蘇家Suttiwan Suwannajoi、楊雅棠、朱宣Bui Dang Long


Abstract of the paper

This research investigates how network neutrality in zero-rating regime affects the platform incentive to engage in Research and Development (R&D) investment under a two-sided market framework. Furthermore, we also consider whether or not zero-rating is social welfare desirable. Our main findings are as follows. Irrespective of platform competition, the R&D investment under network neutrality is lower than that without network neutrality. For a monopoly with endogenous R&D level, the platform and consumers are always worse-off with network neutrality. However, content providers and social welfare may be worse-off with network neutrality. For competing platforms with endogenous R&D level, consumers are always better-off without network neutrality. However, the competing platforms, content providers and social welfare are ambiguous. Moreover, we find there is a prisoner's dilemma situation regardless of network neutrality where the profits of competing platforms are lower after doing R&D. For a policy implication, the result suggests that this might be better to encourage the platforms to engage in R&D for more incentive rather than imposing the zero-pricing regulation to improve overall surplus.