
2022516日上午10:30~ 12:30


Webex online meeting (台大防疫規定所有活動與課程皆遠距舉行)


Title of the paper

External reference pricing and national healthcare policy


Authors of the paper

Dong Van Chung


Journal, vol.(issue), pp

Working paper


Dong Van Chung


Dong Van ChungDamiana SimanjuntakSuttiwan Suwannajoi、林燕淑、高國峯、陳彥勲、蘇家叡、Bui Dang Long、郭文忠、王羿傑、張瑞雲、許至乙、丁虹仁、黃鴻、Ayu Sasni Munte、彭正浩、施姵全、高國峯


Abstract of the paper

The co-exist of external referencing pricing (ERP) and reimbursement policy is common in many countries. The purpose of the paper is to examine the presence of reimbursement policy whether the imposition of ERP is always socially desirable. Our key finding is that social welfare in the ERP-executed country can be worse-off if the copayment rate in that country is too high. Under an ERP system, an increase in the copayment rate creates both negative effects and positive effects on the social welfare of interested country, suggesting that the social welfare is a concave function of copayment rate. Under no ERP system, the copayment rate is independent of social welfare. Therefore, if the copayment rate is too large, the social welfare under ERP may be lower under the case of no ERP system. Our main insights are robust when we consider an indirect sale channel. Moreover, the pharmacy-purchasing-price (PPP) ERP system might result in a larger social welfare compared to the ex-factory-price (EPP) ERP system if the home copayment rate is high enough. Finally, the indirect sale channel can result in a higher profit of brand-name firm if the home copayment rate is high enough.