
2020518日上午10:20~ 12:30




Title of the paper

Optimal price regulations in international pharmaceutical markets with generic competition


Authors of the paper

Difei Geng, Kamal Saggi


Journal, vol.(issue), pp

Journal of Health Economics

Volume 71, May 2020, 102315


Dong Van Chung


Dong Van Chung、王羿傑、林燕淑、施全、梁文榮、張瑞雲、彭正浩、黃鴻、周宗翰、許至乙、BUI DANG LONGDAMIANA SIMANJUNTAK


Abstract of the paper

In a two-country (home and foreign) model in which the home producer of a branded pharmaceutical product faces generic competition in each market, we analyze home's optimal policy choices regarding two major types of price regulations: external reference pricing (ERP) and direct price controls. Home's nationally optimal ERP policy lowers domestic price while maintaining the firm's export incentive. This ERP policy results in a negative international price spillover that the foreign country can (partly) offset via a local price control. Generic competition in either market reduces home's welfare gain from instituting an ERP policy. Weaker competition abroad or a greater weight on firm profits relative to consumer surplus in home's welfare function makes it more likely that home prefers an ERP policy to a price control. While international integration of national generic markets can improve welfare, such is not the case if it causes home to relax its ERP policy.