
The Melanesian anti-gift: Demand-sharing and its de-instutionalization in urban Melanesia / 講者:Professor Knut Mikjel Rio(University of Bergen)

類型  助教室


講題: The Melanesian anti-gift: Demand-sharing and its de-instutionalization in urban Melanesia
講者: Professor Knut Mikjel Rio(University of Bergen)
時間: 2020年01月06日(一)14:20 – 16:20


簡介: My talk will address certain aspects of town life in the capital of Vanuatu in Central Melanesia. In my most recent fieldworks in 2010 and 2014 I was investigating household economy and aspects of social organization in the squatter settlements that rapidly sprung up around the town of Port Vila. I will present one particular feature of these settlements as a test case for revisiting the long debate about Melanesian reciprocity and gift (from Malinowski and Mauss, through institutions such as kula and moka, and up to Forge, Gregory and Strathern). Notably, in every household people set up a little store, from which kin and friends in the neighbourhood can buy their household supplies. Like the household itself, the store is typically fenced off and barred in – not directly from fear of theft, but as a defence against demand-sharing. My point will be that –to put it simplistically - people in Melanesia now tend to value keeping over sharing and selling over giving.


Kunt Mikjel Rio教授任職於挪威的University of Bergen迄今已逾十餘載,其間持續協助該校大學博物館之營運。他曾經長期參與一些重要人類學期刊之編務工作,例如Social Analysis等。Rio教授的主要田野調查區域集中在太平洋島國Vanuatu上,從研究大洋洲的禮物與交換文化開始他的初期研究,接著順勢走向對於現象學、物質文化與「本體論轉向」等相關人類學理論議題的深入討論。自2010年以來,Rio教授也進一步在大洋洲進行關於巫術,妖術和占卜的田野工作,並分析其與美拉尼西亞的新基督教形式之聯繫。由於Rio教授長期從事Bergen大學博物館的民族學藏品研究,因而對殖民歷史產生了更廣泛的興趣,並分別藉由發表研究論文與策展的方式對歐洲的殖民主義脈絡進行了反省。




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