
From the Neolithization of the Eastern Mediterranean region (10,200 to 6000 B.P) …

類型  助教室


講題: From the Neolithization of the Eastern Mediterranean region (10,200 to 6000 B.P) …to an archaeological-ethnography project in Central Greece: Koutroulou Magoula (2009-2020)
講者: Nicolas Zorzin (歷史語言研究所博士後)
時間: 3/10 ( 五 )1020
地點: 普通教室405
The Neolithisation process has been almost systematically branded as a “Revolution” in human history, in the sense of a linear progress. Is it really that obvious from an archaeological perspective? Revolution or devolution, in any case, it marked the beginning of major, and unprecedented changes in human socio-cultural organisations. In Greece, the Neolithic is the result of well-attested migrations from Anatolia (Today South-East Turkey).
Since 2009, we have chosen to focus our researches on a site of the Middle Neolithic period located in Thessaly, not only to understand the process of socio-cultural stabilisation and local evolution of a migratory population, but we equally dedicated our time to study and co-construct the knowledge on migrations with current refugee populations inhabiting the area and exploiting the lands, long ago used by their Neolithic predecessors.