
地址:台北市仁愛路一段一號 臺大醫學院 解剖暨細胞生物學科 638室

E-Mail: shsieh@ntu.edu.tw



  • 台灣大學 醫學士
  • 美國哈佛大學 公共衛生碩士
  • 美國約翰霍普金斯大學 神經科學博士


  • 國立台灣大學 解剖學暨細胞生物學研究所 教授
  • 台大醫院 神經部 主治醫師



  • 神經退化疾病 (neurodegeneration):基因診斷和分子生物學
  • 疼痛 (chronic pain, neuropathic pain) 的神經生物學和治療
  • 神經再生 (nerve regeneration and repair):幹細胞 (stem cell) 的應用

我們實驗室的研究方向聚焦於3個主題:(1) 神經退化疾病、(2)疼痛、(3)幹細胞和神經再生。

  • 應用基礎神經科學的跨領域技術,來研究神經退化與疼痛的分子機制,同時研發神經再生的新穎治療策略,包括分子治療與幹細胞。
  • 1. 神經退化疾病:臨床上,周邊神經退化發生於糖尿病神經病變、化學治療併之發周邊神經病變、類澱粉神經病變,以及中樞神經之巴金森氏病、自律神經失調。除了發展皮膚切片與基因診斷這些神經退化疾病,同時建立動物模式,研究神經退化機制。
  • 2. 疼痛:周邊神經病變伴隨的是慢性神經痛,我們發展熱誘發電位與功能性磁振造影檢測周邊神經退化病人的大腦可塑性變化,同時以動物的神經痛模式研究分子機制和治療方法。
  • 3. 神經再生:神經再生與修復是現今基礎神經科學與轉譯醫學的最大挑戰,我們實驗室建立動物之神經退化模式,用於研發神經再生的細胞與分子機制,並應用幹細胞作為細胞模式,同時研發治療。
  • 負責計畫

    • 科技部:糖尿病神經病變、類澱粉神經病變
    • 國衛院:疼痛型感覺神經病變
    • 工研院:神經再生導管動物試驗

    研究 教學成果


    • 1995 美國 實驗神經病理學會 (Society for Experimental Neuropathology): Peter Lampert Young Investigator Award
    • 1997 台大醫學院 優良教學獎
    • 2000 台大醫學院 青杏醫學研究獎
    • 2001 陳萬裕教授基金會 醫學研究獎
    • 2002 北美校友基金會 最佳教師獎
    • 2003, 2008 台灣大學 教學傑出獎
    • 2003, 2009, 2012 國科會 傑出研究獎
    • 2005 台灣神經醫學會 默沙東最佳論文獎
    • 2008 國科會 傑出學者研究計畫
    • 2018 周邊神經學會 (Peripheral Nerve Society): Jonathan Pembroke Award

    期刊論文    search Pubmed

    1. Chao CC, Hsueh HW, Kan HW, Liao CH, Jiang HH, Chiang H, Lin WM, Yeh TY, Lin YH, Cheng YY et al. Skin nerve pathology: biomarkers of premanifest and manifest amyloid neuropathy. Ann Neurol 2019; 85:560-573.
    2. Kan HW, Hsieh JH, Chien HF, Lin YH, Yeh TY, Chao CC, Hsieh ST. CD40-mediated HIF-1a expression underlying microangiopathy in diabetic nerve pathology. Dis Models Mech 2018; 11:4.
    3. Kan HW, Chiang H, Lin WM, Yu I, Lin SW, Hsieh ST. Sensory nerve degeneration in a mouse model mimicking early manifestations of familial amyloid polyneuropathy due to transthyretin Ala97Ser. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 2018; 44:673-686.
    4. Hsieh YL, Kan HW, Chiang H, Lee YC, Hsieh ST. Distinct TrkA and Ret modulated negative and positive neuropathic behaviors in a mouse model of resiniferatoxin-induced small fiber neuropathy. Exp Neurol 2018; 300:87-99.
    5. Wu SW, Wang YC, Hsieh PC, Tseng MT, Chiang MC, Chu CP, Feng FP, Lin YH, Hsieh ST, Chao CC. Biomarkers of neuropathic pain in skin nerve degeneration neuropathy: contact heat-evoked potentials as a physiological signature. Pain 2017; 158:516-525.
    6. Chang MF, Hsieh JH, Chiang H, Kan HW, Huang CM, Chellis L, Lin BS, Miaw SC, Pan CL, Chao CC et al. Effective gene expression in the rat dorsal root ganglia with a non-viral vector delivered via spinal nerve injection. Sci Rep 2016; 6:35612.
    7. Chao CC, Huang CM, Chiang HH, Luo KR, Kan HW, Yang NC-C, Chiang H, Lin WM, Lai SM, Lee MJ et al. Sudomotor innervation in transthyretin amyloid neuropathy: pathology and functional correlates. Ann Neurol 2015; 78:272-283.
    8. Chiang H, Ohno N, Hsieh YL, Mahad DJ, Kikuchi S, Komuro H, Hsieh ST, Trapp BD. Mitochondrial fission augments capsaicin-induced axonal degeneration. Acta Neuropathol 2015; 129:81-96.
    9. Hsieh PC, Tseng MT, Chao CC, Lin YH, Tseng WY, Liu KH, Chiang MC, Hsieh ST. Imaging signatures of altered brain responses in small-fiber neuropathy: reduced functional connectivity of the limbic system after peripheral nerve degeneration. Pain 2015; 156:904-916.
    10. Tseng MT, Kong Y, Chiang MC, Chao CC, Tseng WY, Hsieh ST. Brain imaging signatures of the relationship between epidermal nerve fibers and heat pain perception. NeuroImage 2015; 122:288-297.
    11. Lin MT, Lee LJH, Chao CC, Hsieh ST. Quality of life in polyneuropathy: association with biomarkers of small fiber impairment. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2015; 13:169.
    12. Hsieh JH, Lin WM, Chiang H, Chang LY, Wu CT, Pu CM, Wu JT, Hsieh ST. Patterns of target tissue reinnervation and trophic factor expression after nerve grafting. Plast Reconstr Surg 2013; 131:989-1000.
    13. Tseng MT, Chiang MC, Chao CC, Tseng WY, Hsieh ST. fMRI evidence of degeneration-induced neuropathic pain in diabetes: enhanced limbic and striatal activations. Hum Brain Mapp 2013; 34:2733-2746.
    14. Tseng MT, Chiang MC, Yazhuo K, Chao CC, Tseng WY, Hsieh ST. Effect of aging on the cerebral processing of thermal pain in the human brain. Pain 2013; 154:2120-2129.
    15. Luo KR, Chao CC, Hsieh PC, Hsieh ST. Effect of glycemic control on sudomotor denervation in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2012; 35:612-616.
    16. Hsieh YL, Chiang H, Lue JH, Hsieh ST. P2X3-mediated peripheral sensitization of neuropathic pain in resiniferatoxin-induced neuropathy. Exp Neurol 2012; 235:316-325.
    17. Chao CC, Wu VC, Tan CH, Wang YM, Li H, Tseng MT, Wu PC, Lin YH, Lin WM, Wu KD et al. Skin denervation and its clinical significance in late-stage chronic kidney disease. Arch Neurol 2011; 68:200-206.
    18. Luo KR, Chao CC, Chen YT, Huang CM, Yang NC, Kan HW, Wang SH, Yang WS, Hsieh ST. Quantitation of sudomotor innervation on skin biopsies in diabetic neuropathy. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 2011; 70:930-938.
    19. Chao CC, Tseng MT, Lin YJ, Yang WS, Hsieh SC, Lin YH, Chiu MJ, Chang YC, Hsieh ST. Pathophysiology of neuropathic pain in type 2 diabetes: skin denervation and contact heat evoked potentials. Diabetes Care 2010; 33:2654-2659.
    20. Yang NC, Lee MJ, Chao CC, Chuang YT, Lin WM, Chang MF, Hsieh PC, Kan HW, Lin YH, Yang CC et al. Clinical presentations and skin denervation in amyloid neuropathy due to transthyretin Ala97Ser. Neurology 2010; 75:532-538.
    21. Tseng MT, Tseng WY, Chao CC, Lin HE, Hsieh ST. Distinct and shared cerebral activations in processing innocuous versus noxious contact heat revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Hum Brain Mapp 2010; 31:743-757.
    22. Hsieh YL, Lin WM, Lue JH, Chang MF, Hsieh ST. Effects of 4-methylcatechol on skin reinnervation: promotion of cutaneous nerve regeneration after crushing injury. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 2009; 68:1269-1281.
    23. Chao CC, Hsieh SC, Tseng MT, Chang YC, Hsieh ST. Patterns of contact heat evoked potential (CHEP) in neuropathy with skin denervation: correlation of CHEP amplitude with intraepidermal nerve fiber density. Clin Neurophysiol 2008; 119:653-661.
    24. Chao CC, Sun HY, Chang YC, Hsieh ST. Painful neuropathy with skin denervation after prolonged use of linezolid. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2008; 79:97-99.
    25. Hsieh YL, Chiang H, Tseng TJ, Hsieh ST. Enhancement of cutaneous nerve regeneration by 4-methylcatechol in resiniferatoxin-induced neuropathy. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 2008; 67:93-104.
    26. Lin YY, Tseng TJ, Hsieh YL, Luo KR, Lin WM, Chiang H, Hsieh ST. Depletion of peptidergic innervation in the gastric mucosa of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Exp Neurol 2008; 213:388-396.
    27. Tseng TJ, Chen CC, Hsieh YL, Hsieh ST. Influences of surgical decompression on the dorsal horn after chronic constriction injury: changes in peptidergic and d-opioid receptor (+) nerve terminals. Neuroscience 2008; 156:758-768.
    28. Chao CC, Hsieh ST, Chiu MJ, Tseng MT, Chang YC. Effects of aging on contact heat evoked potentials: the physiological assessment of thermal perception. Muscle Nerve 2007; 36:30-38.
    29. Tseng TJ, Chen CC, Hsieh YL, Hsieh ST. Effects of decompression on neuropathic pain behaviors and skin reinnervation in chronic constriction injury. Exp Neurol 2007; 204:574-582.
    30. Chao CC, Hsieh ST, Shun CT, Hsieh SC. Skin denervation and cutaneous vasculitis in eosinophilia-associated neuropathy. Arch Neurol 2007; 64:959-965.
    31. Chao CC, Hsieh SC, Yang WS, Lin YH, Lin WM, Tai TY, Hsieh ST. Glycemic control is related to the severity of impaired thermal sensations in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2007; 23:612-620.
    32. Tseng MT, Hsieh SC, Shun CT, Lee KL, Pan CL, Lin WM, Lin YH, Yu CL, Hsieh ST. Skin denervation and cutaneous vasculitis in systemic lupus erythematosus. Brain 2006; 129:977-985.
    33. Lin CY, Su YN, Lee CN, Hung CC, Cheng WF, Lin WL, Chen CA, Hsieh ST. A rapid and reliable detection system for the analysis of PMP22 gene dosage by MP/DHPLC assay. J Hum Genet 2006; 51:227-235.
    34. Chiang HY, Chen CT, Chien HF, Hsieh ST. Skin denervation, neuropathology, and neuropathic pain in a laser-induced focal neuropathy. Neurobiol Dis 2005; 18:40-53.
    35. Chiang HY, Chien HF, Shen HH, Yang JD, Chen YH, Chen JH, Hsieh ST. Reinnervation of muscular targets by nerve regeneration through guidance conduits. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 2005; 64:576-587.
    36. Lee JE, Shun CT, Hsieh SC, Hsieh ST. Skin denervation in vasculitic neuropathy. Arch Neurol 2005; 62:1570-1573.
    37. Lin YH, Hsieh SC, Chao CC, Chang YC, Hsieh ST. Influence of aging on thermal and vibratory thresholds of quantitative sensory testing. J Peripher Nerv Syst 2005; 10:269-281.
    38. Chang YC, Lin WM, Hsieh ST. Effects of aging on human skin innervation. NeuroReport 2004; 15:149-153.
    39. Hsieh ST, Chu NS. Immunohistochemical study of skin nerve regeneration after toe-to-finger transplantation: correlations with clinical, quantitative sensory, and electrophysiological evaluations. Acta Neurol Taiwan 2004; 13:178-185.
    40. Hsu SH, Lee MJ, Hsieh SC, Scaravilli F, Hsieh ST. Cutaneous and sympathetic denervation in neonatal rats with a mutation in the delta subunit of the cytosolic chaperonin-containing t-complex peptide-1 (Cct4) gene. Neurobiol Dis 2004; 16:335-345.
    41. Pan CL, Shun CT, Susuki K, Yuki K, Hsieh ST. Pharyngeal-brachial palsy after cytomegalovirus colitis. Neurology 2004; 62:153-154.
    42. Shun CT, Chang YC, Wu HP, Hsieh SC, Lin WM, Lin YH, Tai TY, Hsieh ST. Skin denervation in type 2 diabetes: correlations with diabetic duration and functional impairments. Brain 2004; 127:1593-1605.
    43. Pan CL, Tseng TJ, Lin YH, Chiang MC, Lin WM, Hsieh ST. Cutaneous innervation in Guillain-Barre syndrome: pathology and clinical correlations. Brain 2003; 126:386-397.
    44. Chiang MC, Lin YH, Pan CL, Tseng TJ, Lin WM, Hsieh ST. Cutaneous innervation in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Neurology 2002; 59:1094-1098.
    45. Ko MH, Chen WP, Hsieh ST. Neuropathology of skin denervation in acrylamide-induced neuropathy. Neurobiol Dis 2002; 11:155-165.
    46. Chien HF, Tseng TJ, Lin WM, Yang CC, Chang YC, Chen RC, Hsieh ST. Quantitative pathology of cutaneous nerve terminal degeneration in the human skin. Acta Neuropathol 2001; 102:455-461.









