In house developed 3D Maxwell's equations solver by explicit finite difference
(i) Three-dimensional plasmon scattering
(ii) Photonic crystal waveguide
Scheme features
1. Capable of preserving Gauss's law ( or zero-devergence for electric and magnetic fields )
2. Capable of preserving dispersion relation equation to compute phase accurate solution for long-range calculation
3. Capable of preserving symplicity to retain Hamiltonians and invariants for long-time calculation
4. Capable of predicting EM wave, propagation in complex domain by level-set method
5. Capable of simulating EM wave in dispersive media by including Debye Drude and Lorentz constitutive equations
6. Capable of being implemented in colocated grids for parallel computing
7. Capable of being implemented in parallel in CPU-cluster
8. Cppable of being implemented in parallel in CPU/GPU (K20) hybrid platform
9. Capable of being applied to simulate photonic crystal waveguides
SCCS Laboratory 2006, all rights reserved
Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan University
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No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan 106, Republic of China