庶民風標:臺灣廟會演劇的綜藝性與功利性  309

前言  309

一、臺灣廟會演劇的綜藝品味  311




二、臺灣廟會演劇的功利性格  319



結語:狂歡以酬神、務實逐利的庶民風標  327

附錄 :2002年三重市護山宮慶祝護山尊王誕辰祖會請戲一覽表  331






The Plebeian Style: Entertainment and Utilitarian Aspects of Temple Theatre in Taiwan




In terms of form and style, the temple theatre in Taiwan is highly entertaining. How it is organized is closely related to the mechanism of profit seeking. In comparison with other temple theatres among Chinese communities, whose sole function is to pay homage to gods, the Taiwan brand that emphasizes both entertainment and utilitarianism is quite unique. This can be explained by the social background from which it flourished.

Performing popular plays has been a tradition of Taiwanese temples. The ever-present element of entertainment is the result of commercial influences. The plays were for the most part staged by troupes of Ge-zai Xi which put great emphasis on entertainment. This has to do with its special ways of storytelling and the improvisational nature of its performance style, resulting in the three characteristics of Taiwanese temple theatre: the desire to entertain, the aim to showcase talents and skills, and the style of collage.

As a culmination of folk region that goes through the stages of praying for something, being rewarded accordingly, and thanking the gods, the temple theatre is in itself utilitarian. The management as well as operation of the festivity is closely related to a network of relationships that are primarily profit oriented. On the one hand, those involved do their best to fulfill their religious obligations. On the other hand, they never lose sight of profitable opportunities. This aspect of practicality or pragmatism is what characterizes the common folks best. Although the kind of entertainment offered by the temple theatre has enjoyed less and less popularity in modern age, the study of them serves the purposes of understanding the value system and the aesthetic standards embraced by common folks.



Key words: Taiwan, temple theatre, entertainment, utilitarian, Ge-zai Xi.