「才子佳人」如何包裝邊緣情慾?明清文人戲曲所見的同志情愛與變性慾想 153

前言 153

一、文人戲曲「才子佳人」格套及其對題材表現的影響  154

二、模擬「才子佳人」異性戀的同志情愛  159

三、「夢中轉女成男」與「男妝寫真」的變性慾想  171

結語:邊緣情慾的出口  182






How Plays of “Learned Gentlemen & Fair Ladies” Smuggle Unorthodox Desires:

Homosexual Love and Transgender Desire in Ming-Qing Dramas




        Since the Song-Yuan Dynasties the Chinese theatre has become more and more diverse, representing various aspects of society that changed with the time and highlighting the spirit of each period. By taking cues from recent trends in theatre research, traditional theatre can be rediscovered and reevaluated. The meanings of traditional texts are not fixed; new insights can be gained from new research methods. The more the researchers approach these texts from different perspectives, the more space for new interpretations or revisionist viewpoints can be found.

The Ming-Qing dramas are noted for their lyrical portrayals of love stories. They often followed the conventions of “Learned Gentlemen and Fair Ladies.” However, they are not as predictable as they seem. In addition to love between male and female, marginalized relationships are also explored. For instance, Nan wang-hou by Wang Ji-de of Ming, Lian xiang ban by Li Yu of Qing, and Gui zhi xiang by Yang En-shou of Qing, all three touch upon homosexual love. Moreover, transgender desire can be detected in plays such as Qiao Ying by female dramatist Wu Zao, Fan-hua Meng by Wang Yun, and Li-hua Meng by He Pei-zhu. All these plays, by implication or exaggeration, dramatize the complex inner struggles of the characters and to some extent reflect the social climate of the time.

Marginalized desires cannot be condoned in a feudalistic society. However, under the harmless guise “Learned Gentlemen and Fair Ladies,” sexual deviations can be presented to satisfy the unorthodox imaginations of the dramatists as well as the viewers and to subtly demonstrate spiritual revolt on many levels.



Key words: homosexual love, transgender desire, “learned gentlemen & fair ladies”, marginalized relationships, female dramatist.