Elective Advanced English 進階英文選修班 Fall 2002
Instructor: Karen Steffen Chung 史嘉琳 台大外文系講師
E-mail: karchung@ccms.ntu.edu.tw
Website: http://ccms.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung

     Elective Advanced English will be offered this semester (Fall 2002) for the second year, free of charge, to students of Taipei First Municipal Girls' Senior High School who already speak fluent English at a near-native level. Most, but not all, of the students who will qualify for this special course will have lived abroad for some time, or previously attended an English-speaking school. Some students will be returning from last year's Elective Advanced English class. A maximum of 25 students will be accepted into this class.

     The purpose of the course is to provide an enriched English learning experience for qualified students. This year's course will consist mainly of a study of the history of English literature and selected readings. The text we will use is: Thornley, G. C. and Gwyneth Roberts. 1984. An Outline of English Literature. Essex: Longman. The class can purchase it as a group from Bookman Books 書林 at a discount. Audio and video cassettes and Internet materials will be used to supplement the text. We may also set aside some time every week continue reading Jane Austen's Persuasion, begun in last year's class, or consider other activities, if the class members agree.

     This semester we were unable to have boys from Chienkuo and Chengkung Senior High Schools join us for this class; maybe it will be possible second semester.

     The class will be held Monday evenings 6:00-8:00pm in 二審, though this is subject to change, especially for first hour, when we may move to a room with audio-visual equipment.  Students who join are making a commitment to attend all the classes this semester and do all the work required.

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