1. Introduction to Phonetics II  Spring 2011
Instructor: Karen Steffen Chung 史嘉琳老師
Monday 8:10-10:00am 視聽館 201
1:20-3:10pm 視聽館 204


       Students who have successfully completed one semester of an introductory phonetics course; others by permission only. This course is highly recommended for anyone planning to do advanced work in phonetics or linguistics. A serious but friendly course!


       Ladefoged, Peter. 2006. A Course in Phonetics. 5th edition. Boston: Thomson Wadsworth. 310pp. Available at Crane's 文鶴.

       Ladefoged, Peter. 2005. Vowels and Consonants: An Introduction to the Sounds of Languages. 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. 206pp. Paper. Includes CD-ROM; same material is also available online. Buy at Crane's 文鶴. Original price: around NT$1,200; with discount, a bit over NT$1,000. Well worth it! But grab before they're sold out.

Course description:

       This course is a continuation of Karen Chung's Introduction to Phonetics Course; though students who have taken other phonetics courses are also welcome. The primary goal of the course will be to finish Ladefoged's A Course in Phonetics, starting from Chapter Six, "Airstream Mechanisms and Phonation Types", and to go through the material in Ladefoged's Vowels and Consonants. Students will read, and submit (every Wednesday) a brief summary of one chapter of Vowels and Consonants along with two questions from the chapter a week, in this sequence:

February 23-March 2: Chapter 1
March 2-9: Chapter 2
March 9-16: Chapter 3
March 16-23: Chapter 11
March 23-30: Chapter 12
March 30-April 6: Chapter 13
April 6-13: Chapter 14
April 13-20: Chapter 4
April 20-27: Chapter 5
April 27-May 4: Chapter 6
May 4-11: Chapter 7
May 11-18: Chapter 8
May 18-25: Chapter 9
May 25-June 1: Chapter 10
June 1-8: Chapter 15
June 8-15: Chapter 16

Practical exercises in English pronunciation will be assigned as time permits, with emphasis on consolidating past progress and identifying and fine-tuning areas left for improvement. A number of Web assignments will be given, and students will get more practice in using Praat and other speech tools. Students are expected to take careful class notes, including on pronunciation corrections, and will be asked to submit a summary of their notes toward the end of the semester.

     Final exam date: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 1:20-3:10pm 視206.

Grade calculation:

       Students will be graded on written work, quizzes, oral presentations, and a final, as well as attendance, class participation, attitude, and progress made.

Next: A question that came up over the LINGUIST list...

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