guest to author abuse relationships to touch lives unimaginable to leave aside verbal and mental abuse physical violence statistics staggering to be assaulted by partners surgeon-general to declare attacks male cause injury expert technique thought patterns to debunk myth expose excuse to break free from intriguing to run groups field original programs to go back to get involved in area therapist field effects social change to assist one at a time to address an issue domestic violence warning signs early on to look out for to watch for to have to have one's way to get bent out of shape to stand up to s.o. coercive over time to avoid to take responsibility for to blame behavior alcohol hard childhood stepfather teen-age to hang out girlfriends negative attitudes towards females culture video games messages to be a bully acceptable to intimidate the thing to do to keep pressure on similar messages abusiveness to have little to do with x and everything to do with y understanding to find oneself in a situation to figure out to make things get better behavior pattern to build up one's self-esteem to upset to get him into psychotherapy research to discover attitudes to drive right to be entitled needs to revolve around disrespectful less than |
him competent logical possessive to belong to to see the signs early in the relationship before trouble comes keys aware from the very beginning to prevent oneself from to get enmeshed further physical violence wait and see confused afraid fault to rescue s.o. from suffering trap to deal with fundamental points to get across a whole set of to keep one constantly unreasonable expectations to jump this high to please s.o. to believe in nothing I do is ever good enough to disrespect intermittently the other way around to solve anger management specialized mentally abused to be attracted to early in a relationships warning signs vicious to yell to call names scary charming generous attentive gradually to creep up on one power to be in pretty deep psychological makeup animal to hunt to catch in a snare I think mostly not to picture to revolve around him perfect in every way to challenge to stand up to to interfere with newly in love with to fight about to conflict with to show one's colors to plan to unhealthy image to lead one to do. s.t. to look into family life to grow up in stepdad partner horrible fault key male role model to push one's buttons to go too far to shut up there's only so much a man can take to absorb justifications to get away with s.t. police to arrest a little slap on the wrist courts |
consequences popular community successful well-loved learning ground destructive to stop a cycle obviously to be affected by a range of ways painful upsetting tension to be next to treat ...that way physically sexually verbally abusive statistics higher rates to make it work to find oneself being... to reach out for help self-esteem negative messages inferior weak stupid to be likely to feel to feel bad about definition to harm cruelty pressure forms half or more to report that substantial chunk of frightening above all degrading mentally to exercise coercive control economic to tear s.o. down to be geared toward solely heterosexuals genders types lesbians gay men same-sex partner incredibly mentality to turn out to be entitled manipulative victim chronically to be mistreated undermined to be put in physical fear to happen to be to counsel line of work reluctant to change to become accustomed to benefits to point out well-kept secret to get a lot out of it random explosive power leisure time to set up system to do one's share housework child care financial benefits to channel towards couples to go to (money) center of attention to be attached to privileges to put one's foot down to tolerate |
comprehension questions:
1. About how many women are estimated to be physically assaulted by their partner
in the U. S. annually?
2. The surgeon-general has determined such assaults to be the #1 cause of injury
in women between what ages?
3. What is the purpose of Bancroft's book?
4. What is Bancroft's usual job? Why did he choose the particular subfield he
5. What are the warning signs to watch out for in a potential partner, if one
wants to avoid getting into an abusive relationship?
6. What are some of the sources of abusive behavior in men?
7. What does it mean to feel 'entitled'? What other feelings does an abusive
man have in a relationship?
8 . Where does the anger of an abusive man come from?
9. Why does it do no good to help an abusive man deal simply with his anger?
What must be done to deal with this problem?
10. What can a woman do when an abusive man is not interested in getting help
for his problem, and when should she do it?
11. When do men usually start becoming abusive, and why?
12. What kind of behavior patterns may an abusive man have observed in his own
family while growing up?
13. How may children be affected by a father who is abusive toward their mother?
14. What kinds of feelings and beliefs will women have in reaction to abuse?
15. Which is worse, physical or emotional abuse?
16. How will a man try to 'coercively control' his partner?
17. How is abuse different in homosexual relationships?
18. What possible advantages are there in an abusive relationship for the abuser?