The Center for Spatially
Integrated Social Science http://www.csiss.org/
Univ. of Edinburgh GIS WWW
Resources List http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/home/giswww.html
The Spatial Analysis Laboratory
(SAL) Links http://sal.agecon.uiuc.edu/links_main.php
¥x¤j«°¶m©ÒGIS ¬ÛÃö¸ê·½ http://www.bp.ntu.edu.tw/bpwww/index3.html
GIS ³nÅé: GeoDa: ³Ì°ò¥»¡B³Ì«nªºªÅ¶¡¤ÀªR»P²Îp³nÅé¡C
GeoDa Homepage http://sal.agecon.uiuc.edu/geoda_main.php
GeoDa: An Introduction to
Spatial Data Analysis, http://sal.agecon.uiuc.edu/pdf/geodaGA.pdf
An Introduction to EDA with
GeoDa (21 pp.,1.0Mb) http://sal.agecon.uiuc.edu/csiss/pdf/quicktour.pdf
An Introduction to Spatial
Autocorrelation Analysis with GeoDa http://sal.agecon.uiuc.edu/csiss/pdf/spauto.pdf
GIS ³nÅé¡GSTARS: µ²¦X®É¶¡»PªÅ¶¡ªº³nÅé¡C
The STARS project for open
source geocomputation, http://stars-py.sourceforge.net/
STARS: Space Time Analysis of
Regional Systems¡Ahttp://stars-py.sourceforge.net/starsga.pdf
Installation Guide¡Ahttp://stars-py.sourceforge.net/install_guide.pdf
Short Tutorial: A Quick Start
to STARS¡Ahttp://stars-py.sourceforge.net/userguide.pdf
GIS ³nÅé¡GFlow Mapper : ¦a²z¦ì¸m¶¡ªº¬y³q¡B¤¬°Ê¡B¥æ©ö¡AªÅ¶¡Ãö«Yªº§e²{¡C
GIS ³nÅé¡GCrimeStat
GIS ³nÅé¡GMatlab ¤u¨ã½c: Econometrics Toolbox, Public domain functions for free download and
use by James P. LeSage
Jim Lesage's Spatial
Econometrics Toolbox http://www.spatial-econometrics.com/
Kelly Pace's Spatial Statistics
Toolbox http://spatial-statistics.com/software_index.htm
GIS ³nÅé¡GArcView ªÅ¶¡¤ÀªR¡B¦a¹Ï»s§@°Ó·~³nÅé¡C
The Center for Spatially
Integrated Social Science http://www.csiss.org/
The Spatial Analysis Laboratory
(SAL) in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics at the
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign http://sal.agecon.uiuc.edu/default.php
Center for Mapping, Ohio State
University (Columbus, OH, USA)Univ. of Michigan Center for Statistical
Consultation and Research http://www.cfm.ohio-state.edu/
Centers for Spatial Analysis
Technologies, United States Geological Survey (USGS) and Georgia Tech (Atlanta,
GA, USA) http://csat.er.usgs.gov/
Centre for Advanced Spatial
Analysis (CASA), University College London (London, UK) http://www.casa.ucl.ac.uk/news/index.htm
Environmental Resources Spatial
Analysis Center, University of Minnesota (St. Paul, MN, USA) http://www.gis.umn.edu/index.html
Environmental Spatial Analysis
Laboratory, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI, USA) http://esa.snre.umich.edu/
GeoVista Studio, Pennsylvania
State University (University Park, PA, USA) http://www.geovistastudio.psu.edu/jsp/index.jsp
Grant F. Walton Center for
Remote Sensing & Spatial Analysis, Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ,
USA) http://deathstar.rutgers.edu/
Spatial Analysis Lab,
University of Vermont (Burlington, VT, USA) http://www.uvm.edu/~envnr/sal/¡@
¥x¤j«°¶m©Ò http://www.bp.ntu.edu.tw/bpwww/index3.html
¥x®v¤j¦a²z¸ê°T¬ã¨s«Ç http://www.geo.ntnu.edu.tw/main.htm
²Îp¦a¹Ï¬ÝÆW http://www.geo.ntnu.edu.tw/faculty/hchou/class/gis/exercise/98/index.htm
Penn World Table http://pwt.econ.upenn.edu/php_site/pwt61_form.php,
Human Development Indicators,
2004, http://hdr.undp.org/reports/global/2004/
HDI, Indicators by tables, http://hdr.undp.org/statistics/data/index_indicators.cfm
World Bank, Data by Topic, http://www.worldbank.org/data/databytopic/databytopic.html
World Bank, Data by countries, http://worldbank.org/data/countrydata/countrydata.html
World Development Indicators
(WDI) database, . Search Data Query. http://devdata.worldbank.org/data-query/
Washington, DC : World Bank,
c2002 , ¸g¬ã¹Ï Ref HC59.7 W67 2003
2320150 À]¤º¾\Äý
World Bank, Data by Topic, http://www.worldbank.org/data/databytopic/databytopic.html
CIA, United States government
profiles of countries and non-self-governing territories around the world. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html
°ò¥»²Îp¸ê®Æºô¯¸¡A²H¦¿¤j¾Çı¥Í¬ö©À¹Ï®ÑÀ] http://www.lib.tku.edu.tw/internet/refetool/stat.htm#taiwan
AI-Geostats Spatial data covering Europe
and beyond
Census Bureau Factfinder Free
decennial census population and social characteristics data
Center for International Earth Science
Information Network (CIESIN) Clearinghouse for environmental data,
metadata, and data tools
Geography Network Clearinghouse for
free and fee-based geographic data
GeoStat Geospatial and Statistical
Data Center at the University of Virginia
SAL Data GeoDa-ready sample
data for teaching and research
National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse Geospatial data from the US
Geological Survey
ºû°ò¦Û¥Ñ¦Ê¬ì http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
wordIQ http://www.wordiq.com/encyclopedia.html
Online publication of the
Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. http://www.bartleby.com/65
Best Literary Resource http://www.bartleby.com/
Atlapedia Online, Contains full
color physical and political maps as well as key facts and statistics on
countries of the world. http://www.atlapedia.com/
United Nations: Cartographic
Section - General country and special issues maps. http://www.un.org/Depts/Cartographic/english/htmain.htm
World Global Information - A
geographic data center, includes brief statistical information on all countries
in the world http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Barracks/3803/
National Geographic Map Machine
- Dynamic maps in a variety of formats. http://plasma.nationalgeographic.com/mapmachine/
A complete atlas of the world
featuring several thousand place names and colorful, accurate maps. http://www.sitesatlas.com/Atlas/PolAtlas/polatlas.htm
A Beginner's Guide to GIS by
Mike Creech and Carol Fedora http://www-personal.si.umich.edu/~karleric/GIS/gis.html/