公告內容 |
講題: |
“Tajen Interactive”: Complementing a Canonical Text with Contemporary Interactive Visual Ethnography |
講者: |
Dr. Robert Bush Lemelson (Ajunct Professor of Anthropology at UCLA) |
時間: |
2019年10月09日(三) 14:20-17:10 |
地點: |
臺大水源校區行政大樓人105教室 |
簡介: |
Dr. Lemelson 為來台參加 《2019第十屆臺灣國際民族誌影展:看見主權》之
The influential “Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight” (Geertz, 1972) is required reading in many introductory anthropology courses. Despite its evocative writing, however, students still often come away with a limited sense of what cockfighting “really feels like.” This may be a problem of medium; while any ethnographic representation always at best presents a resemblance of what happened in the field, visual and/or multi-modal ethnographies have the capability to communicate sensory and corporeal aspects of cultural behavior and environment in ways writing cannot. Tajen Interactive, an interactive web documentary, is part of a broader effort to bring contemporary multimodal materials into anthropology education, data collection, and research presentation. Including a 30-minute sensory ethnography and thirteen short films, as well as short articles, informational pop-ups and a discussion and study guide, Tajen explores multiple cultural, historical, and psychological aspects of Balinese cockfighting—from ritual lore to gender identity to interspecies relationships. Different modes of representation are used to document, evoke, and explain these different facets. Sensory ethnography allows an uninterrupted experience of the sights and sounds of a cockfight, from a bird’s capture all the way to its demise. Expository documentary uses traditional interview and b-roll editing to delve deeply into local subjective experience and expert opinion. Creative shorts using mixed media and kinetic motion animation make abstract anthropological concepts tangible and bring complex rules of local behavior to life. The viewer can navigate these elements as they choose, charting their own journey through the world of Balinese cockfighting. This presentation will address the process of conceptualizing and creating Tajen Interactive, using various clips and features from the documentary to jumpstart a conversation about how anthropologists can extend their toolkit beyond the monograph and/or observational documentary and creatively re-envision—and question—ethnographic resemblance for the 21st century.
★本演講為人類學系舉辦,毋須報名,歡迎所有師生參加★ |