
Pseudoarchaeology as stigmatised knowledge: Why is this dangerous to society? / 講者:Prof. Ben Marwick (University of Washington)

類型  助教室


講題: Pseudoarchaeology as stigmatised knowledge: Why is this dangerous to society?
講者: Prof. Ben Marwick (University of Washington)
時間: 2019年09月19日(四) 10:20-12:10


簡介: False claims about the human past are abundant in popular culture and mainstream media. Outlandish beliefs about aliens and lost civilisations attract substantial attention on Twitter, blogs, podcasts, and YouTube. This rise in the popularity of pseudoarchaeological ideas has sinister consequences for society. In this talk I will examine how beliefs about the human past that may seem harmless or even amusing are a type of stigmatised knowledge. I will investigate how stigmatised knowledge has lead to violence and harm, and argue that we need to be more active in tackling pseudoarchaeological interpretations. I will outline some of practical steps archaeologists can take in their everyday work to speak out against false claims, and make their work more transparent and accessible to the public.

